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Invincible Season 2 Episode 4 Introduces [SPOILER] - But What Are His Powers?

Contains spoilers for "Invincible" Season 2, Episode 4 and potential future spoilers

Well, that's it for now. We've reached the halfway mark of Mark's (Steven Yeun) second chapter in "Invincible," and the biggest shock besides being reunited with his estranged father is that Omni-Man has sired another son named Oliver. Family reunions sure can be shocking, right? If you think this is bad, wait until his ex-wife finds out.

Looking as much like the son of Thanos as Omni-Man, Oliver is an adorable little scamp who shares his father's likeness and his mother's aging process. Revealed by Andressa to be growing at a rapid rate like a native Thraxan, Oliver is mere weeks old but already looks like a Viltrumite toddler. So, just what kind of capabilities will Nolan's youngest child have, and how will it impact the Viltrumite threat that is now closer than ever before? While it's clear that Nolan and Mark can hold their own, for a while at least, what chance does this new kid on the block have against a race that has decimated planets for centuries?

Oliver has all the Viltrumite perks, just like Mark

While he's not at full strength just yet, Oliver will find himself on a very powerful path in the years to come if his story goes by the comic book "Invincible" is based on. Eventually, Oliver's Thraxan genes start to slow down and he ages at a rate similar to Mark's. Additionally, as he gets older, he'll also display the abilities and enhanced capabilities that come from his Viltrumite heritage. A chip off the old mustached block, Oliver has similar levels of speed, strength, healing, and endurance as the other Grayson men. As far as sibling rivalry and potential squabbles in the future go, though, Mark will have the upper hand.

Due to humans sharing a stronger likeness to Viltrumites, Mark's genetics make him closer to a pure-blood Viltrumite than Oliver. Nolan's eldest is stronger, faster, and an overall superior half-breed in comparison to his younger brother. For now, of course, it'll be some time before we see Oliver really put himself to the test and see how he holds his own alongside his half-brother and father. He's just a little guy for the moment, but that might change with the second half of "Invincible" Season 2 set to arrive next year. 

Alien kids, right? They sure do grow up fast.

Oliver is his angry father's son

While we're still in his rugrat phase, it won't be long until Oliver is up and about and flying alongside his brother in an effort to get into the hero family business. That being said, if the show sticks to how Oliver handles that duty in the comics, it could spark the problems associated with other Viltrumites and his father that are noticeably absent in his brother: anger issues and an ever-so-tiny power complex. 

In time, Oliver becomes Omni-Kid, a Robin of sorts that is very much a Damien Wayne type. Being of Viltrumite and Thraxan heritage, he shows no real affinity to Earth or its people, nor does he care much about the fallout from his actions while protecting it. On Oliver's initial hero missions, he hits just a little too hard against certain parties involved, and it becomes an issue between him and his brother. Given Mark's strong connection to his home planet, Invincible is quick to defend the value of human life, good or bad, which is something Oliver takes a while to wrap his head around. That predicament is a long way off, though. With the second half of Season 2 set to arrive in 2024 and Oliver still only a small little space scamp, we'll have plenty of time for him to learn the ways of the world and plenty of others when "Invincible" returns.