Ghostbusters 2 Plot Leaks Into Real Life As NYC Sewers Flood With Creepy Green Ooze

They say the best art imitates life, but what happens when life starts looking a little too similar to a silly 1980s comedy? That's what New Yorkers experienced recently when a green ooze started emerging from the sewers in what looked like a scene straight out of the underrated "Ghostbusters 2," where the titular heroes come up against a slime influenced by negative human emotions, even causing them to turn on each other. Of course, that slime was pink and not green, but the real world's gooey mess no doubt gave some New Yorkers a fright.

Fortunately, there was no supernatural explanation needed for the real-life slime. According to an ABC 7 Chicago news report, the ooze is not only completely harmless; it was the expected byproduct of necessary maintenance. Environmental authorities dyed local water a fluorescent green to find leaks within the city's system, so it's simply green water as opposed to something that came from Slimer after a big meal. Still, people have fun with the visuals, with YouTuber @dondada6602 writing, "Ghost busters was true all along."

The news story would've been some good viral marketing for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

The timing of green ooze coming out of New York's sewers may have seemed suspect to some, especially considering how it was reported on around the same time we got the trailer for "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire." The franchise's next film sees New York freeze over, complete with icicles falling from the sky, so it's up to a new generation of Ghostbusters to save the day. Of course, harmless green ooze coming out of the sewers is undoubtedly preferable to watching the city freeze over as a malevolent spirit lurks in the shadows.

The previous installment, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife," took place primarily in Oklahoma, but the gang is back to its old stomping grounds in "Frozen Empire." As such, some New York-based pop-ups wouldn't be out of the question in the lead-up to the film's release on March 29, 2024. Perhaps a suitably themed snow cone stand will materialize, but if they want to go the creepy green ooze route, they just need to get in touch with local environmental scientists.

Of course, "Ghostbusters 2" wasn't the only thing people thought of when seeing the ooze. Other people brought up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or just superheroes in general. And while the dye itself is harmless, we wouldn't recommend getting in contact with the liquid. It is water that came from the sewer, after all.