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Marvel Is Giving A Captain America 4 Mutant A Brand New Role

A major "Captain America: Brave New World" character, Shira Haas' Sabra, will apparently be getting a significant rework from their comic counterpart. Reports from a Hollywood scooper on social media suggest the actor's role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be quite different from what readers are used to on the page.

Sabra, who first appeared in "Incredible Hulk" #250 (by Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema), is an Israeli superhero and mutant who works as an agent for her country's secret service. Sabra's mutant powers include superhuman enhancements, including increased speed, strength, and endurance. She can also grant people superpowers and give her life energy to others while healing them as well.

On X (formerly known as Twitter), @CanWeGetSomeToast shared that the recently announced reshoots for "Captain America: Brave New World" do not include any changes to Sabra in relation to real-life events. However, it also seems the hero's backstory has gotten a few tweaks. @CanWeGetSomeToast wrote, "To be clear, neither Palestine nor Israel is mentioned in 'CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD'. Sabra works for the CIA and the reshoots have nothing to do with her." 

That said, it appears Marvel is steering clear of the character's heritage and largely ignoring her Israeli-related comic book storylines.

Why is Captain America: Brave New World being reshot?

"Captain America: Brave New World" is among the slate of movies on Marvel's schedule pushed back from the summer of 2024 to early 2025. It will undergo months of reshoots, with former trade reporter Jeff Sneider saying on "The Hot Mic" podcast that the film's poor scores during test screenings are resulting in three major sequences from the film being cut and reworked. Marvel hasn't commented on the accuracy of the reports. So, for those speculating Sabra's inclusion in the film is the cause of the reshoots, that appears unlikely. The reshoots suggest the film as a whole has other major problems that need to be addressed.

It's unfortunate that viewers will have to wait longer than previously believed to see Anthony Mackie's first solo outing as Captain America on the big screen. Despite the reshoots, the film is set to be an exciting new entry to the Marvel Cinematic Universe featuring some incredible actors, including Harrison Ford as Thunderbolt Ross and the return of Tim Blake Nelson's Leader and Liv Tyler's Betty Ross, both of whom haven't been seen since "The Incredible Hulk." Shira Haas' Sabra, reworked to be a CIA agent, will also play a key part in the movie. "Captain America: Brave New World," directed by Julius Onah, arrives in theaters on February 14, 2025.