Loki's Ke Huy Quan Agrees With The Theory That OB Is Actually Data From Goonies

Might there be a secret crossover lurking beneath the already chaotic time-bending of the 2nd season of "Loki"? Multiple viewers have noticed the similarities between Ouroboros (O.B.) and gadget-obsessed Goonie, Richard "Data" Wang — two characters portrayed by Oscar-winner Ke Huy Quan — and wonder if they might be one and the same. It turns out that the actor supports this theory, seeing Data and O.B. as being linked together on some level.

While researching the role, Quan told Variety he suddenly realized O.B. reminded him of Data. "So many fans have come up to me, and the most asked question was, 'Will there be a 'Goonies 2'? And what is Data doing as an adult?' This character of Ouroboros is kind of my answer to that," he said. He explained that he thinks of O.B. as a Data variant. 

Then, he detailed a delightful coincidence. While preparing for his scene, he looked up and realized the Ouroboros set had been built on the Roger Moore Stage at Pinewood Studios. Data, of course, is notorious for his love of James Bond, whom Moore portrayed in seven movies. "I feel like there's some cosmic connections to this character and Data. Playing him was one of the greatest experiences I've had," Quan concluded.

As if that isn't enough to delight children of the '80s everywhere, Quan knowingly left a Data Easter egg behind for eagle-eyed "Loki" fans to find.

Small nods to Data's past hint that OB might be him

For fans looking to strengthen that connection between O.B. and Data, Quan left behind a little Easter egg for "Loki" viewers to spot — with the help of the costume department. Keep your eyes peeled for a utility belt O.B. sports briefly for a single scene. Quan posted a picture of himself on the set and in costume as O.B. wearing the accessory to his Instagram. He admitted it was crafted to resemble Data's belt as an in-joke and asked fans to try and spy it during "Loki." 

Aside from these nods, other hints link Data to O.B. — their mutual love of tinkering with electronics and other scientific matters. The series eventually reveals that O.B. is a temporal variant of Dr. A.D. Doug, a physics professor publishing under a pen name who yearns to spend all his time writing science fiction novels. Doesn't "A.D. Doug" sound like the kind of moniker that Richard Wang — who is a native of Astoria in "The Goonies" — might take up? 

Yet, as likely as it all sounds, one never knows in the wild, time-bending world of "Loki" what is real and what's an illusion.