Howard Stern Was Bradley Cooper's First Choice For This A Star Is Born Role

Bradley Cooper's Oscar-nominated hit movie "A Star Is Born" could have looked a lot different had the actor-director gotten notorious shock jock Howard Stern to play a pivotal role in the music-themed drama. During a new interview with the longtime media personality on Sirius XM's "The Howard Stern Show," Cooper recalled the offer he made Stern to play Bobby Maine, the older brother of Cooper's Jackson Maine.

"I've told two or three people in my life that you offered me that role in 'A Star Is Born,' and they look at me like, 'What the f***? You didn't do it?'..." Stern told Cooper. "You said, 'I'm gonna play your older brother, and I'm gonna be your manager-type thing, your agent or manager.' I went, 'No s***. That's kind of intriguing.' I said, 'I'm gonna go full-on into it. I'm gonna shave my head. I'm gonna change my whole look.' I was really toying with the idea."

The part eventually went to legendary actor Sam Elliott, who received his first Oscar nomination, for best supporting actor, for playing the role. Elliott agreed to be in "A Star Is Born" after a weird encounter with Cooper, when the actor-director played Elliott a tape of Cooper emulating his voice so the two could sound alike in the film. "A Star Is Born" ended up being one of Bradley Cooper's best movie roles. Lady Gaga, of course, also starred in the film as Ally Maine, the singer Jackson discovers who soon becomes his wife.

Stern's eyes were part of the reason Cooper considered him for the role

Recalling why he initially offered Howard Stern the role of Jackson Maine's brother in "A Star Is Born," Bradley Cooper noted that it was the shock jock's gentle look, which was surprising to him because of Stern's crude on-air demeanor. "The first time I saw you in person, I couldn't believe how gentle your eyes are ..." Cooper told Stern. "You can't even hide it. As much of an a**hole [as] you try to be, to me, it's like, 'Look how kind his eyes are. It's impossible to hate the guy.'"

While he didn't mention him by name, Stern said Sam Elliott was fantastic in the role. Cooper also clarified that the role of Bobby Maine as he imagined it for Stern was a totally different role than the one Elliott actually ended up playing. The offer to Stern came very early in the production process, and Cooper knew the radio host was interested since it took about two to three weeks before he passed on the role.

During the interview, Stern modestly pointed out to Cooper that he questioned whether he was good-looking enough to play Jackson's brother in the film. Stern explained how he'd thought, "Whoa. You must think I'm a lot better looking than [I am]. They're gonna be like, what the f***? What is this movie gonna be, like 'Twins'? I'm Danny DeVito and he's Arnold Schwarzenegger or something?"

"A Star Is Born" wouldn't have been the first time Stern starred in a feature film. Stern played himself in the 1997 biopic "Private Parts," which is based on his autobiography.