Why The Sons Of Anarchy Timeline Makes No Sense

Even the most beloved shows and movies make their share of mistakes. While major guffaws like the infamous "Game of Thrones" coffee cup debacle are well-known to most television fans, that doesn't mean these glaring goofs are all there is to pick apart in our favorite shows. Take FX's biker drama, "Sons of Anarchy," for instance.

In fact, one Redditor is taking the hit series to task for something that a lot of fans might have missed. "Because no one else seems to EVER talk about this: SOA Chronology is perhaps my biggest pet peeve," wrote u/gizmatic on the r/Sonsofanarchy subreddit. "I have searched a bit and haven't found where anyone else is discussing this, but I know that I can't be the only one who notices the messed up chronology of this show," the "Sons of Anarchy" fan vented. "It's the one thing that really, really irked me."

The user then went on to provide an intensive deep dive into the many chronological inconsistencies of the series, focusing specifically on the ages of characters and how Jax's (Charlie Hunnam) children never seem to age properly. "Abel is born in the first episode of the show (premature, but still, he was born,)" the Redditor writes. "Gemma says Jax was born in 1978, and the year that the show is set in is assumed/given to be 2008; therefore, Jax is roughly 30 years old."

A seasonal accounting of the show is filled with glaring flaws

From here, the user points out that Gemma (Katey Sagal) is said to be 51 in the first season of "Sons of Anarchy" and 53 in the third season, despite Jax's son, Abel (Tyler Silva/Evan Londo), being only eight months old at the time. It only gets more baffling from here, however, as the Redditor provides evidence showing that Jax and Tara's (Maggie Siff) other son, Thomas (Sophia and Victoria Markov), was born only 16 months apart from Abel. Meanwhile, Abel is five years old in Season 7, and Thomas is still in diapers.

Other fans of the series seemed to agree with the Redditor's assessment of the garbled "Sons of Anarchy" timeline. "¯(ツ)/¯ Lazy writing?" wrote u/f0gax in response to the OP's questions about the show's chronology. "This is SoA in a nutshell," wrote u/augiemax in agreement.

Meanwhile, u/cicer argued that these "Sons of Anarchy" continuity errors didn't really take away from the overall experience of watching the series. "Most people don't care that much," they asserted. "While it is a continuity error, it doesn't impact the overall story too much." Considering the show remains incredibly well-reviewed nearly a decade after it concluded its seven-season run, it would seem that most either never noticed the errors or simply don't care about them enough to allow them to detract from their enjoyment. Still, props to the OP for noticing so many of them in the first place.