Beetlejuice Vs Dune Vs Tremors: Which Sandworm Is Strongest?

Of all the fictional creatures to make their way into pop culture throughout the years, few are as intimidating and varied as the sandworm. From franchise to franchise, these fierce monsters slither through dunes, seeking out helpless victims to horrify and snack on. Some of the most intimidating and memorable stem from three very different works: "Tremors," "Dune," and "Beetlejuice." Though they're all classified as sandworms, the three of them are vastly different. Thus, when compared to one another, the natural question to ask is which of these is the undisputed strongest?

First and foremost, as iconic as it is, the "Beetlejuice" sandworm is nowhere near the top of the heap. Though it's not the smallest of the three, it seems to be the weakest, momentarily backing off from Barbara Maitland (Geena Davis) after she merely struck its face. That leaves the "Tremors" sandworm — known as a Graboid — and the sandworms of "Dune," and it's not much of a contest. For as aggressive and dangerous as Graboids are, one would struggle to overcome the sheer size and power of an Arrakis sandworm. As if their immense stature and strength weren't enough to give the Graboid an uphill battle to fight, it would also have to contend with the sandworm's thick, durable hide.

Thus, the "Dune" sandworm is arguably the winner of this fictional sandworm strength showdown. Even moving away from the discussion of their physical strength and into that of their reputations, the sandworm of Arakkis still comes out on top.

Unlike its contemporaries, Dune's sandworm is as respected as it is feared

No matter how you slice it, the Graboid and the "Beetlejuice" sandworm are both truly harrowing beasts. Graboids are aggressive, scarily precise with their attacks, and far from easy to defeat. Meanwhile, what the "Beetlejuice" lacks in strength and size, it makes up for in its appearance. Its wide-eyed, toothy face springs from a larger, equally toothy mouth, which is an undeniably frightening sight to behold. At the same time, their reputations in their respective universes aren't nearly as strong as that of the "Dune" sandworm.

Much like its two contemporaries, the Arrakis sandworm is feared among those aware of its existence. After all, it's a massive creature that surveys the planet's endless dunes and launches attacks at the mere presence of someone or something in its territory. Still, its awe-inspiring and mysterious nature has earned it a place in the "Dune" universe of respect and honor. It's an untamable creature with no want for power, yet it effectively rules Arrakis. Not to mention, its very existence is necessary for the creation of the coveted spice melange: a substance required for space travel that lies at the core of the "Dune" franchise.

All in all, if you're looking for a sandworm deserving of the mantle of most physically and reputationally strong, the "Dune" sandworm is the clear choice.