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This Dungeons & Dragons AI Makeover Of The Big Bang Theory Cast Is Perfect

"The Big Bang Theory" was firmly grounded in reality, but no doubt Leonard (Johnny Galecki), Sheldon (Jim Parsons), and the rest of their geeky cohorts wished they could've spent some time in the wildly fantastic realm of "Dungeons & Dragons." Instagrammer @benmornin used artificial intelligence to envision what that might look like with the main cast of the sitcom dressed in the garb of various D&D classes.

Sheldon looks like he's wearing a wizard robe, while several characters, including Penny (Kaley Cuoco), have been designated knights. Of course, people have thoughts on the AI-generated images, such as several users pointing out how Penny doesn't look anything like she does on the show. She almost resembles a cross between Cuoco and Margot Robbie, but fans were far more kind toward the AI's depiction of Raj (Kunal Nayyar).

Raj looks like he could be a scout, but people are more obsessed with how the AI (to borrow a Gen Z term) yassified him. User @comingupclove wrote, "Umm anyone else think Raj looks super hot?" They weren't alone in that assessment, as Raj is a clear standout in this line-up. If only the character had this kind of attention throughout his time on "The Big Bang Theory," maybe he wouldn't have been as lonely for so long.

Dungeons & Dragons featured prominently throughout The Big Bang Theory

"The Big Bang Theory" ended in 2019 before AI programs like ChatGPT and Midjourney really took off and developed a hold in the zeitgeist. It would've been interesting to have an episode centered on the characters' thoughts surrounding the use of AI, but one thing included throughout the sitcom was "Dungeons & Dragons." It was referenced in passing on many occasions and even factored into a few plotlines.

For example, Season 5's "The Wiggly Finger Catalyst" sees the characters play some "D&D," and Sheldon gets the idea to roll the game's dice whenever he needs to make small choices, which results in him growing a mustache. The crew's final "D&D" excursion was Season 12's "The D&D Vortex," where the main cast discovers Wil Wheaton hosts special, secret celebrity games of the tabletop RPG.

"The Big Bang Theory" touched on all things related to nerd culture, so it only makes sense for "Dungeons & Dragons" to factor into various episodes. But some cast members walk the walk in addition to talking the talk. Mayim Bialik and Kevin Sussman play "D&D" together outside of the show and engage in other nerdy hobbies. If "The Big Bang Theory" ever gets a revival, perhaps the game could come into the fold, maybe even with Raj finally taking on the role of Dungeon Master.