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Who Does Betty End Up With In The Ugly Betty Finale?

Fans surely despaired when ABC canceled "Ugly Betty" after four seasons. Fortunately, the show was allowed to reach a natural conclusion in its series finale, "Hello Goodbye." The show ends with Betty (America Ferrera) accepting a new job in London, and in true girl-boss fashion, she doesn't allow her future (for the time being) to be dictated by any kind of romance. She has plenty of boyfriends and flings throughout the show, but she's doing what's best for herself in the finale. And the show ends in a place where Betty could feasibly have both a career and a solid relationship if she wants.

While in London, Betty bumps into Daniel Meade (Eric Mabius), who wants to achieve something on his own rather than simply get everything handed to him. He also asks her out to dinner, and she accepts. So there might be some romance for Betty in the future, but it isn't the focal point of the "Ugly Betty" ending. 

"Ugly Betty" creator Silvio Horta chatted with TV Guide about his thoughts on that conclusion. He confirmed he didn't want the finale to be too focused on romance. As for the possibility of a Betty and Daniel relationship, he wanted it to be left ambiguous: "Are they together after that? I don't even want to say. I have my version in my head of what happens after she walks away from him, but I think everyone can have their own interpretation."

America Ferrera is open to revisiting Ugly Betty

Ultimately, Betty and Daniel don't need to get into a confirmed relationship for the "Ugly Betty" series finale. They're both pursuing what they want and are in much better places. That's all that is needed for well-rounded character arcs, but no doubt fans would love to see if Betty and Daniel ever get together and make things work out in the long run. A revival could answer some questions, and America Ferrera — who's gone from "Ugly Betty" to 2023's smash hit "Barbie" — is open to returning to the character who made her a star.

In December 2023, Ferrera spoke with Entertainment Tonight about the possibility of an "Ugly Betty" reunion. She admitted, "I think there has been like a deep desire there for a long time because our 'Ugly Betty' family is so close and so we love each other so much. I think we'd all come back in a heartbeat." There may be even greater renewed interest since all four seasons of the show arrived on Netflix in August 2023. That opened the door for a whole new generation to discover "Ugly Betty" and take to heart its themes of female empowerment and breaking societal barriers.

There's presently no word on if an "Ugly Betty" reboot is in the works, and it may never come to fruition. Some fans may want to see if Betty and Daniel are endgame, but even if nothing comes from that fateful date, one would hope they simply end up happy. That would be enough.