AI Reimagines Iron Man's Costume In Different Countries - The Results Are Amazing
Tony Stark is a superhero with style. When he isn't shamelessly flirting, the genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist spends his spare time mocking up new Iron Man suits. The Marvel Cinematic Universe nailed Stark's creative urges so well that even casual fans know how obsessive the guy can be when it comes to his armor. Canonically, the MCU's Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) built around 100 suits. That approximate sum is technically bigger than his comic counterpart's catalog, but Comic Tony Stark enjoys a wider variety of designs. On the big screen, Stark got the Hulkbuster but, on the page, he also got the Godbuster and the Fing Fang Foombuster — lots of bustin'.
Since this Ken's job is Excess, it makes sense for the fandom to explore and expand Stark's wardrobe. Digital artist Planet AI posted a video to TikTok in early 2023 that offers new takes on Iron Man's armor as if it were themed around different countries. It's a little sillier when AI reimagines Superman's costume because he's a global hero, but Stark's a raging capitalist, so this experiment isn't even out of character for the dude. Let the product placement begin!
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From Saudi Arabia and Brazil to Japan and Canada, Planet AI's video offers 14 new suits for Stark's collection. Nothing wild, just some cool new color palettes and some alterations to the lines of the armor. Oh, and Greece Iron Man looks like he could and would fell nations without losing a single wink of sleep. Again, nothing major.
A suit of armor around the world
Regarding the palette-swapped designs, Planet AI created eight marks. The Brazil, Canada, India, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, and Japan Iron Men are all different shades of the same design. Admittedly, the pure white France variant is gorgeous, but anyone who's ever owned a pair of Converse knows that pristine look isn't going to last. Also, it's hilariously in character for Tony Stark to fashion a suit to tease a country. Why else would France's Iron Man armor be white, if not to mirror the flag of surrender? Australia Iron Man deserves praise for wearing camouflage because it implies that even Stark is afraid of the outback and that somehow feels correct.
Planet AI's remaining six designs — China, Egypt, Greece, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico — all play with the Iron Man aesthetic even more by changing the familiar shape of the armor. As previously mentioned, Greece Iron Man's chromatic musculature is too reminiscent of Ultron to not be terrifying. China Iron Man offers a subtle change, with more sharp angles than the typical mark, while Egypt Iron Man looks like Stark just wanted to cosplay as General Grievous, maybe with the cough and all.
All 14 designs are amazing, but it's Saudi Arabia Iron Man who literally takes the gold with its beautifully intricate armor. Some of the details feel so delicate that it's almost impossible to imagine Stark having made it. Obviously, he didn't — these are fan creations — but framing the fantasy within canonical lore is half the fun.