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The Last Movie And TV Show Carl Weathers Was In Before He Died

News broke on Friday, February 2 that beloved actor Carl Weathers died at the age of 75. So where can fans see Weathers' last performances?

One of Weathers' final turns was on the small screen, and it's one of the splashiest roles of his lengthy career. Since its inception, Weathers played Greef Karga in the flagship Disney+ series "The Mandalorian" alongside titular star Pedro Pascal. An original character crafted by series creator Jon Favreau, Greef Karga — who bears the title of High Magistrate — is the entire reason that Pascal's Din Djarin even meets Grogu, colloquially known as "Baby Yoda." From that point on, Greef Karga eventually starts working alongside Grogu and Din. Weathers' final performance as Greef Karga can be seen on Season 3 of "The Mandalorian," which aired in the spring of 2023.

Aside from that, Weathers lent his voice to "Toy Story 4" in 2019, reprising his role from a 2013 TV special entitled "Toy Story of Terror!" The character is, appropriately, named Combat Carl, and Weathers voices three of them during "Toy Story 4." To be clear, Weathers was an incredibly accomplished actor who has been working steadily in Hollywood since his film debut in the 1973 movie "Magnum Force" as a "demonstrator." Now, Combat Carl and Greef Karga serve as his swan song.

Carl Weathers suddenly passed away on February 1

Fans around the world were shocked and devastated to learn that Carl Weathers passed away on February 1. In a statement obtained by Deadline, the late performer's loved ones told the world that his passing was peaceful.

"We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Carl Weathers," the statement read. "He died peacefully in his sleep on Thursday, February 1st, 2024. ... Carl was an exceptional human being who lived an extraordinary life. Through his contributions to film, television, the arts and sports, he has left an indelible mark and is recognized worldwide and across generations. He was a beloved brother, father, grandfather, partner, and friend."

Beyond "The Mandalorian," Weathers was known for his roles in the "Rocky" franchise as Apollo Creed, "Happy Gilmore," and even a role on the cult comedy "Arrested Development," where he played an exaggerated (and penny-pinching) version of himself. A "Mandalorian" film was in the works, and as of this writing, it's unknown whether or not Weathers had signed on to play Greef Karga on the big screen — but sadly, the wildly successful series will have to chart a new path without Weathers and Greef Karga.