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The Brad Pitt War Movie Blowing Up The Netflix Charts Right Now

Brad Pitt is a perennial favorite among moviegoers, appearing in numerous stellar films. Now, Netflix subscribers are diving into an underrated title within his filmography — 2014's "Fury." Directed by "Suicide Squad" helmer David Ayer, "Fury" sees a group of American soldiers take on a dangerous mission during World War II. The film's getting new life, as it ranked No. 9 on Netflix's Top 10 Movies for the week of January 29 to February 4. It had 7.3 million hours viewed, and it's easy to see why people are drawn to it. 

Pitt is automatically an appealing factor for many viewers, but "Fury" boasts an impressive cast overall, as the other tank crew members are played by Jon Bernthal, Michael Peña, Shia LaBeouf, and Logan Lerman. And if the movie comes across as especially harrowing, there may be a reason for that. Around the time the film was released, Pitt told Express how the actors underwent a boot camp so that they could experience toil and learn to rely on each other — the same way a real tank crew would have. "It was set up to break us down, to keep us cold, to keep us exhausted, to make us miserable, to keep us wet, make us eat cold food," he stated. 

David Ayer's "Suicide Squad" cut may never see the light of day. However, his fans can at least see what he's capable of as a director by checking out "Fury" on Netflix.

Many critics have great things to say about Fury

"Fury" did well at the time of its release. It grossed $217 million globally against a budget of $68 million, and now, thanks to its introduction on Netflix, people who didn't get a chance to catch it in theaters can watch it. And it's certainly worth the time, as it earned positive reviews from critics thanks to its unflinching portrayal of the suffering caused by war. 

Director David Ayer had already proven himself adept at helming violent pictures like "End of Watch." That trajectory continues into "Fury," with many critics lauding him for how he handles a wartime film. Q.V. Hough of Vague Visages drew particular attention to Ayer's style: "What makes 'Fury' unique as a piece of filmmaking is Ayer's propensity to remind of how disposable we are as human beings." Perhaps that penchant for showing people as disposable helped him land "Suicide Squad," which is all about characters being killed off if they're not compliant.

While Ayer's approach earns ample praise, Brad Pitt's Don "Wardaddy" Collier also gets a lot of love, including from Richard Roeper at The Chicago Sun-Times. He wrote, "Pitt is at the top of his game, playing a man who has forgotten whatever he used to be and has wholly embraced his role in this war." Pitt has starred in several war movies, from "Inglourious Basterds" to "Troy," so his ability to play men haunted by warfare has been honed over the years. Whether you love the actor or feel like watching something that will keep you tensely seated at the edge of your couch, "Fury" on Netflix is the way to go.