Warner Bros Killed Coyote Vs. Acme And Twitter Is Furious At One Person

It looks like another one bites the dust at Warner Bros. Discovery. Thanks to unreleased movies like the live-action "Batgirl" and "Scoob! Holiday Haunt," WBD has developed a reputation in recent years for shelving already completed projects for tax write-offs. Now, it looks like another major franchise under the WBD umbrella, "Looney Tunes," is scheduled to take the hit as "Coyote vs. Acme" heads toward a similar fate.

It had previously been announced that the completed film would be scrapped, but after fan backlash, WBD appeared to be entertaining the idea of selling the movie to another distributor. However, a recently released report from The Wrap states that a deal to release the movie never materialized and it now could be headed for deletion in lieu of a tax break around the end of February. Naturally, fans are not happy, particularly as the film was reportedly well-received by test audiences. They've been taking to X (formerly known as Twitter) to vent their frustrations at President and CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery David Zaslav.

"Billionaires like David Zaslav do less than nothing for our collective culture," reads a particularly scathing tweet from @G0ffThew. "They are simply parasites, feeding on human life and creativity to enrich themselves at any cost." Indeed, this post seems to exemplify the feelings of many fans who are furious at the idea of a completed movie being junked in favor of corporate profit. 

"David Zaslav has had his current job for coming up on two years, and his tenure has been vehemently anti-art from day one," reads another brutal takedown of Zaslav from @NeilNevins. "Creatives need to go scorched Earth with Warner Discovery. Easier said than done, I know. But if he's not going anywhere, he should at least feel the sting." 

Fans are furious with David Zaslav

"Coyote vs. Acme" was set to follow "Looney Tunes" character Wile E. Coyote as he joins a lawyer, played by Will Forte, in a lawsuit against Acme, the company whose inventions have backfired on him for as long as the character has existed. The movie is a combination of live-action and animation mixed together.

If this sounds like a great concept to you, you're not alone. "What was so exciting was that it felt like the film captured the voice of the Looney Tunes that we love in a way none of the other feature versions have ever done," said actor and comedian Paul Scheer, who attended a screening of the movie (per The Wrap).

The criticism of David Zaslav was especially palpable following reports that he hasn't even seen "Coyote vs. Acme" and is still set on wiping the project from the face of the Earth. "DAVID ZASLAV HAS NEVER SEEN THE MOVIE," emphasized @thatclarafied. "Y'all this man is burning WB to ground and isn't even watching the movies. I'm begging the shareholders to get rid of him. BEGGING."

These are but a few of the countless tweets tearing WBD and Zaslav to shreds, and based on this reaction, it's possible that the corporation will re-think its decision, especially as it's starting to feel more like The People vs. Warner Bros. Discovery.