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Who Did Dominic Scott Kay Play On NCIS?

"NCIS" Season 5, Episode 9 — "Lost & Found" — begins innocently enough. Abby Sciuto (Pauley Perrette) shows off the team's equipment to a group of scouts under the oversight of Timothy McGee (Sean Murray). A demonstration of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System follows, which can determine if someone's been involved in a crime before. When Abby takes the fingerprints of one of the scouts, she doesn't expect a positive match, but that's precisely what happens. It's revealed bright-eyed Carson Matthews (Dominic Scott Kay) was abducted when he was younger.

The rest of the episode follows the team as they attempt to figure out what happened with Carson. Similarly, viewers going back to watch the storyline may wonder what happened with Dominic Scott Kay. He was a fairly prolific child actor, as the 2000s saw him star in many projects. He can be found in films like "Minority Report" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" as well as other TV series, including "House." He's stepped away from acting in recent years, but he's plenty busy all the same.

Dominic Scott Kay has become a singer and a CEO

Acting isn't the only thing on Dominic Scott Kay's resume. He also has some writing and directing credits, and he's utilizing his show business acumen in new and exciting ways. According to his LinkedIn profile, he's the CEO of DSK Motion Picture Studios, which seemingly has several projects in the works, such as "Drops of Jupiter" and "Dear Amanda." Aside from working on different movie and television projects, Kay has also dabbled in music. He's uploaded some tracks to Spotify and even released an EP titled "Sessions at Ocean Way" in 2017.

From singing to working on film projects in various capacities, Kay seems to be good at keeping busy, and that's the way he likes it. In 2019, he spoke with RealTVfilms about wanting to pursue as many creative outlets as possible. "I feel like it keeps me creatively moving," he explained. "It's really nice sometimes to just change the environment and scenery, and it keeps your creativity alive when you can kind of change seats often."

Elsewhere in the interview, Kay mentions how he's more focused on these other endeavors, with acting not being as much of a priority. Even if he's not in front of the camera as much anymore, he still has a solid filmography, and fans can always go back and watch him as a precocious youngster on "NCIS," asking Abby slightly inappropriate questions about her tattoos.