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Hulk Vs. Wolverine: Their 5 Grossest Fights Are Way Too Graphic For The MCU

The Hulk and Wolverine will forever be linked to one another, as Logan's first comic book appearance happens in "The Incredible Hulk" #180-181 (by Len Wein, Herb Trimpe, John Romita Jr., Jack Abel, Glynis Wein, and Artie Simek), with his debut battle happening against the incredibly strong Avenger. On the page, Hulk and Wolverine have fought several times, with a few of their fights being so violent and bloody, that they are probably even too graphic for the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe.

With "Deadpool & Wolverine" soon arriving in the MCU and Hugh Jackman playing the latter once again, audiences have been left wondering if Wolverine will ever fight the Hulk in the MCU, with a previous "Deadpool 3" rumor hinting at the unlikely cameo in the upcoming film. Jackman himself previously weighed in on a potential fight versus Mark Ruffalo's Hulk, joking, "I'm trying to reach out to him, but he's not taking my calls so I guess I'm somehow laying the track for another feud here," he said on "The Jess Cagle Show" in 2020. Jackman added he hadn't talked to Ruffalo about it, though he said, "Wolverine would beat him for sure, let's just be very clear."

If it ever happens, viewers will probably have to wait a good while to see Hulk take on Wolverine on the big screen, but in the comics, a handful of fights rank among some of the most graphic tussles between two Marvel heroes ever. Here, we see both heroes using their powers, strength, and violent nature to their full advantage in the matchups.

Old Man Logan vs. The Hulk gang is completely disgusting

In "Wolverine: Old Man Logan – Giant Size" #1 (by Mark Millar, Steve McNiven, Dexter Vines, Mark Morales, Morry Hollowell, and Cory Petit), the story follows an older Wolverine — the same who loosely inspired the live-action hero in "Logan" — in a world where heroes are long dead. After the Hulk Gang, the inbred descendants of Bruce Banner, visit Logan's farm and kill his family over a debt owed to them, he returns the favor in one of the most violent ways imaginable.

Logan goes on a warpath against the Hulk Gang, brutally slaying the children of the Jade Giant, leaving guts and body parts in his wake. His killing spree continues throughout the issue, as he blows up some of the Hulks in a major explosion and decapitates and claws the brains of others. But, when he reaches Bruce Banner and tries to take him out for good, his opponent becomes the Hulk and eats him whole. However, Logan's healing factor allows his body to regenerate inside of the grotesque monster, as the clawed mutant frees himself by ripping through Hulk's body, with green blood and the villain's innards pouring out everywhere. 

While the comic makes readers believe the former Wolverine kills the Hulk's baby, Bruce Jr., it turns out Logan keeps him alive and goes on adventures with the youngster, as he raises him like a son. In "Wastelanders: Wolverine" #1 (by Steven S. DeKnight, Ibrahim Moustafa, Neeraj Menon, and VC's Cory Petit), Hulk Jr. helps Logan defeat Bruce Banner, when the evil Hulk returns with a new adamantium body.

Ultimate Hulk ripped Ultimate Wolverine in half

In the Ultimate Universe, Wolverine and Hulk's iconic battle opens with a bang, as "Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk" (by Damon Lindelof, Leinil Francis Yu, Dave McCaig, and Chris Eliopoulos) as the Jade Giant grabs Wolverine — who is contracted to kill the deadly monster by S.H.I.E.L.D. —  and rips him into two pieces, chucking his legs on a mountain, forcing the clawed hero to climb up with his adamantium claws to get them. Watching Wolverine scream out in extreme pain as the uber-angry Hulk tears him apart with ease like he is as strong as a piece of toilet paper remains one of the most brutal and legendary moments featuring either of the characters, even if it takes place outside the main continuity in the Ultimate Universe. Additionally, seeing Wolverine, missing his bottom half, search for his legs using his super-smelling to locate them is equally hilarious and horrifying.

Bruce Banner's Hulk isn't the only green opponent who causes major damage to Wolverine. After it's revealed Betty Ross is transformed into the She-Hulk and working alongside S.H.I.E.L.D., she rips one of Logan's eyes out of his skull before he gets the information he needs to locate Bruce. Funnily enough, the Hulk vs. Wolverine battle ends with the pair making up and becoming friends once again, with the mutant admitting he was "still pissed" he was ripped in half. Hulk jokes that he thought everything grows back, as Wolverine swears at him as the series ends.

What If...? reimagined a classic fight with a deadly twist

One of the Hulk and Wolverine's most iconic fights in "The Incredible Hulk" #340 (by Peter David, Todd McFarlane, Petra Scotese, and Rick Parker) got a much deadlier outcome in "What If...?" #50 (by John Arcudi, Armando Gil, Gina Going, and Janice Chang), which asked the question, "What if Hulk Killed Wolverine?" The answer turned out to be quite disturbing. 

In the story, Hulk and Wolverine fight in Dallas, Texas, with the green monster standing in the way of Logan's quest to locate the missing X-Men member Storm. The comic picks up with Wolverine landing what's initially thought to be a killing blow on the Hulk after stabbing him in the chest. However, the Hulk quickly recovers and turns his sole focus on the pint-sized mutant, knocking Wolverine to the ground before throwing him around like a rag doll.

When Wolverine tries to get up and deliver his own attack, Hulk's bloodlust rises to dangerous levels, as he grabs his opponent by his adamantium neck, and severs his spinal cord. Despite Rick Jones and Clay Quartermain seemingly distracting the Hulk with a missile, the pair arrive too late, as they discover the lifeless body of Wolverine.

Yes, the story does take place in an alternate Marvel timeline. However, the "What If...?" tale proves that with his full rage unlocked, few heroes, even ones as durable and deadly as Wolverine, can stop the Hulk when he loses control.

Wolverine went for the head in a savage battle

Not all of Wolverine and the Hulk's battles are a two-sided affair with each hero getting off deadly blows, as Logan once punctured the Jade Giant's head to stop the monster from causing significant damage.

In "Savage Wolverine" #5 (by Frank Cho, Jason Keith, and VC's Cory Petit), Wolverine finds himself trapped in the Savage Land alongside Shanna the She-Devil and Amadeus Cho's Hulk. Before they can escape, Hulk appears and thwarts their efforts to leave. As expected, the scene immediately descends into chaos, as a giant gorilla takes a bite out of the Hulk, further increasing his anger. As Shanna deals with the primate, Wolverine realizes he needs to take down the powerful and incredibly agitated Avenger. To do so, Logan jumps into the air, unsheathes his claws, and stabs Hulk in the top of the head, hitting his brain, while lunging his other sharp hand into the side of his face. Hulk drips green blood from his head, nose, and ears, as his massive body hits the floor in defeat.

While killing the Hulk is practically impossible due to the powerful hero's immortality tied to his connection with the Green Door, Wolverine finds a quick way to dispatch of his opponent in a tricky situation. Additionally, the fight shows that sometimes, all Wolverine needs to do is keep things simple, pop his claws, and go for the head with a swift and violent attack — even against opponents as mighty as the Hulk.

Old Man Logan takes out Maestro

When the Maestro arrives from an alternate universe in "Old Man Logan" (by Ed Brisson, Ibraim Roberson, Neil Edwards, Carlos Lopez, and VC's Cory Petit) and declares war on Wolverine's home, Old Man Logan initially struggles to stop the mighty villain and his takeover. But upon recovering somewhat following an initial battle, the clawed hero makes another attempt at destroying the future Hulk. After being seemingly beaten again, Maestro drags Logan through the town, as he tries to make a public example out of the former Wolverine. However, when the townspeople distract Maestro with gunfire and Logan is given Regenix, allowing him to regain his strength and energy, the pair's fight extends for miles.

When Maestro thunderclaps Logan's ears and the hero's power boost begins to fade, he realizes he has one last chance at putting away the Hulk. In an epic move, Logan jumps in the air and decapitates his opponent, with green blood dripping from his neck down as his massive body hits the ground. The victory in the fight might have taken everything Wolverine had left in him to accomplish, but in the end, he does what for a time appears impossible, and he eliminates his powerful foe thanks to his swift actions.