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Deadpool And Wolverine Teaser Confirms A Huge X-Men Villain - And A Big, Fat Lie

As "Deadpool & Wolverine" edges ever closer to theaters, all eyes are on just about any bit of footage fans can find to determine who else will be joining Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) and Logan (Hugh Jackman) in their long-anticipated team-up. From rumors of Wesley Snipes' Blade returning to Jennifer Garner denying an appearance as Elektra (even though we don't believe her), the cameo counter could very well be entering triple digits by the time credits roll. One person who promised he wouldn't be on the guest list is Vinnie Jones, who made a one-time appearance as Juggernaut in "X-Men: The Last Stand" and confirmed in March that he wouldn't be back for seconds. The recent preview, however, suggests otherwise.

After explaining that getting back in the suit put him off a cameo, there's now strong evidence Jones will be appearing in the film after all, thanks to some frame-by-frame investigating. Amidst the carnage of the new trailer, a figure looking exactly like Jones' Juggernaut can be seen in the background at the 22-second mark (look behind the first gun barrel being lowered), increasing speculation that Jones could be one of many keeping quiet about returning to the franchise. Then again, it could be a case of some CGI trickery being applied for the final product, like the Juggernaut that appeared in "Deadpool 2." 

Deadpool & Wolverine have already let slip some surprise appearances

It wouldn't be the first time that an unexpected appearance from an "X-Men" character was confirmed during the marketing push of "Deadpool & Wolverine." In the last trailer for "Deadpool & Wolverine" they hid so much (or tried to) that there were plenty of interesting glimpses to pick apart. It was there that we saw Ray Park's Toad from "X-Men," Kelly Hu's Lady Deathstrike from "X2," and Jason Flemyng's Azazel from "X-Men: First Class," who are all potentially working for the film's big bad, Cassandra Nova (Emma Corrin). With a guest list as big as that, maybe Jones also suited up. If so, consider us well and truly duped.

It's also worth noting that as a former Welsh-born soccer player himself, Jones may have had a good long chat with Ryan Reynolds, co-owner of Welsh team Wrexham F.C., and been swayed to make an appearance in secret. Let's face it, if he can talk Hugh Jackman into popping the claws back on after initially calling it a day as Wolverine, Vinnie Jones putting on a steel pan one more time shouldn't be that much of a stretch. We'll have to find out for ourselves when "Deadpool and Wolverine" finally hits theaters on July 26.