The Spider-Man Re-Releases Have A Clear Winner At The Box Office

It's been years, but audiences seem to still absolutely adore "Spider Man 2." Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man" trilogy continues to reign supreme at the box office thanks to a re-release intended to celebrate Columbia's 100th anniversary. Placed back into theaters as part of the "Spider-Mondays" event from April to May, "Spider-Man 2" pulled in an impressive $1,161,869 during its single-day release, putting it in eleventh place on the domestic box office charts for the week of April 19. The highly-acclaimed picture has been lauded as one of the best superhero films to ever hit the silver screen, and Spidey clearly fans continue to have fond memories of it.

The rest of Raimi's Spider-trilogy also performed well during the re-release. "Spider-Man" made $927,627 during the week of April 12, and "Spider-Man 3" pulled in the re-release's second-highest gross at $1,060,801 for the week of April 26. Both roadshows landed comfortably within the top 20 films which played that week, landing at 14th and 15th place, respectively.

While things were rosy for Raimi's set of epics, the news wasn't quite as exciting for the three Marvel Cinematic Universe "Spider-Man" films or Sony's "The Amazing Spider-Man" duology. 

The newer Spider-Man films pulled in weaker numbers

The other five "Spider-Man" films re-released didn't do quite as well at the box office as the Raimi movies. "The Amazing Spider-Man" made around $510,000 during its re-release. Interestingly, "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," which flopped hard back in 2014, breached the top 20 by making $669,262 the week of May 10.

The MCU "Spider-Man" re-releases proved to be largely a string of diminishing returns. "Spider-Man: Homecoming" made $375,421 the week of May 17; "Spider-Man: Far From Home" did slightly worse the week of May 24 at $346,971, even though the event was playing an extended version of the film. Finally, "Spider-Man: No Way Home" rebounded to break the trend with a $691,815 take the week of May 31. The version playing was the "More Fun Stuff" re-edit which hit theaters recently. Perhaps stragglers decided to check out the latest step in Peter Parker's (Tom Holland) odyssey, or maybe Tobey Maguire really is that much of an enticement, since his Peter Parker appears in the film, as does Andrew Garfield's.

In any event, it's been a solid month for Sony — and strongly hints that audiences miss the "Evil Dead" director's artistic sensibilities when it comes to Peter's never-ending drama. After all, it seems Sam Raimi can never escape talks of "Spider-Man 4."