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Deadpool & Wolverine: The One Thing Marvel Actually Banned From The Movie

"Deadpool & Wolverine" is set to make history as the first R-rated film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It also happens to be the first flick to fold the "X-Men" batch of characters into Marvel Studios' portfolio of projects. Expectations are sky-high for the picture, and director Shawn Levy knows it. While there are tons of f-bombs and violence to go around in the threequel, Levy admits that Marvel banned certain subject matter from being discussed, or rather, shown. "I'm so wary of what I can say but certainly there were early conversations about overt drug use," the filmmaker told Total Film

Prior to the debut trailer reveal, many were worried that "Deadpool & Wolverine" would lack the franchise's frequent use of violence and suggestive material. So far, the footage released doesn't actually feature any drug use, but it does feature the crudeness that fans wanted. Because Levy and the creatives knew that Marvel wasn't interested in having Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) do drugs, they decided to instead write a scene poking fun at the studio's mandate. "And we thought that was an interesting conversation," Levy continued, adding, "Let's actually write a dialogue scene about having had it." 

That scene ended up in the second "Deadpool 3" trailer (which might have spoiled how Hugh Jackman's Wolverine gets to the MCU). In the promo's final moments, Blind Al (Leslie Uggams) asks Deadpool if he wants to do some cocaine. "Cocaine is the one thing that [Kevin] Feige said is off limits," Deadpool says in a standout sequence.

Ryan Reynolds thinks Deadpool 3 is expanding the MCU

Poking fun at Marvel Studios is a great way for "Deadpool & Wolverine" to get around the "overt drug use" mandate, as it's perfectly in line with the lead character's shtick. In the last two films, Deadpool casually and callously belittles 20th Century Studios. With "Deadpool 3," fans can likely expect tons of jokes and disses aimed at the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Seeing as the MCU has always been a PG-13 brand, it's great to see the series expanding its reach with more mature subject matter. Recent years have shown the franchise approaching uncharted territory, at least in terms of adult themes. 

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" featured Marvel's first f-bomb, paving the way for "Deadpool & Wolverine" to unleash a flurry of them. When it was announced that Marvel would be producing "Deadpool 3," many, including Ryan Reynolds, were genuinely surprised that the film would be receiving an R rating. "I hope this doesn't sound condescending, I'm really proud of [Marvel Studios] for doing this," Reynolds told Fandango (via The Hollywood Reporter). "It's a huge step for them, it adds a whole color to this kaleidoscopic wheel that is that company and the different people that they have been entertaining for forever." 

"Deadpool & Wolverine" most likely won't push the limits of the R rating, but it definitely deserves it, as the MPA says the film has "strong bloody violence and language throughout, gore and sexual references." Unlike "Deadpool 2," the threequel notably doesn't feature "brief drug material." "Deadpool & Wolverine" hits multiplexes on July 26.