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Ryan Reynolds' Weird Avengers Instagram Post Could Mean Something... Uncanny

Ryan Reynolds is pretty active on social media, which is good news for fans who want to know anything and everything possible concerning his high-profile projects, like the upcoming "Deadpool & Wolverine." And the Deadpool actor has posted something that may just be a bit of fun ... or could have implications for the Merc with a Mouth's future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Reel with no caption simply shows a snippet of video of a flag with the Avengers' "A" logo waving in the wind. However, the "A" is marked over with an Anarchist "A" symbol, which could just be Deadpool having a bit of fun at the Avengers' expense. With no explanation provided, fans are losing their minds in the comments, trying to figure out if there's any deeper meaning. Our theory is that it might have something to do with a little team known as the Uncanny Avengers.

Many X-Men have been Avengers over the years, but an alliance was needed more than ever after the events of "Avengers vs. X-Men." A new team is formed, known as the Avengers Unity Squad, aka the Uncanny Avengers, beginning with the 2012 series developed by John Cassaday and Rick Remender. The team's lineup is a mix of classic Avengers, like Captain America and Thor, and mutants, like Rogue and Havok. However, in 2023, "Uncanny Avengers" #1, from Gerry Duggan and Javier Garrón, brought some fresh blood into the mix, including Deadpool. Perhaps Reynolds' Instagram Reel is hinting toward a different kind of Avengers in the future, with Deadpool lending a fourth-wall-breaking hand. 

Fans have other Avengers theories for Ryan Reynolds' Instagram post

A future Uncanny Avengers project wouldn't be out of the question, as the MCU has laid the groundwork for other Avenger subsets to emerge. "The Marvels" finally got the ball rolling on a "Young Avengers" project, and it's possible "Thunderbolts*" could lead to "Dark Avengers" down the road. "Uncanny Avengers" could fit right in, although the MCU would need to introduce several more X-Men for it to make sense, and an X-Men movie isn't even cast yet. Speculating on an Uncanny Avengers movie may be putting the wheel before the horse in this instance, as fans think the marked flag could mean something else. 

Ryan Reynolds is in full promotion mode for "Deadpool & Wolverine" at the moment, so the Reel most likely has something to do with that film. One intriguing concept is that this flag could appear when the titular heroes are in the Void, which could be an area filled with discarded villains and no Avengers. The "Deadpool 3" trailer had a ton of hidden details, including brief appearances from the likes of Lady Deathstrike (Kelly Hu) and Toad (Ray Park), among other former X-Men movie antagonists. It's possible the Avengers flag with the Anarchist "A" simply shows how this land has devolved into anarchy with bad guys ruling over all. 

Then again, there's a good chance Deadpool will play a role in upcoming Avengers movies, like "Secret Wars." Maybe this flag is merely hinting how Deadpool alone will join the Avengers in the near future. If "Uncanny Avengers" happens, it'll likely be a ways away, but there's nothing stopping Deadpool from partnering up with some new buddies once he leaps through the Multiverse.