Star Wars Preview Reveals What Tempted Luke Skywalker To Join The Dark Side

Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker played a huge part in saving the galaxy far, far away from Sith-orchestrated fascism, but what if he became part of the problem? Greg Pak and Raffaele Ienco's "Star Wars: Darth Vader" #48 just might answer that question, as the creative team depicts the hero grappling with the battle for his soul — a theme that's been explored throughout the series.

"Darth Vader" #45 confirmed how close "Star Wars" hero Skywalker came to joining the Dark Side during that infamous moment in "The Empire Strikes Back." The Marvel comic shows the young Jedi as he briefly toys with the idea of turning heel and ruling over the galaxy with his villainous parent, and his feelings are genuine. Meanwhile, "Darth Vader" #47 features a scene where the titular baddie has a vision in which Emperor Palpatine teases a future where two Sith masters reign supreme. But which duo will it be? Vader and Palpatine, Skywalker and Palpatine — or the father-son combo? 

By the end of the latter story, Palpatine gives Vader his blessing to seek out his offspring and see where his loyalties lie. Elsewhere, Sabé tracks down the young Jedi and encourages him to tap into the darker aspects of his personality when she confronts him. Well, it looks like Skywalker might have taken her advice to heart, as "Darth Vader" 48 will seemingly see the future Jedi master pushed to his limits.

Anger drives Luke Skywalker toward the Dark Side in Darth Vader #48

In Looper's exclusive preview of "Star Wars: Darth Vader" #48, Luke Skywalker is shocked to find himself in a dust-up with Sabé in the Outer Rim. She wants to kidnap Warba Calip (or does she?), but it appears to be a ploy designed to discover where the so-called hero's true loyalties really lie.

Essentially, Sabé wants to make Skywalker so angry that he'll unleash his inner Sith and confirm which side he's on. While the outcome of the experiment has yet to be determined, the preview indicates that she succeeds in making Skywalker's temper flare up. However, will it be enough to make him follow in his father's footsteps and become a bad guy? We all know how this story ultimately ends, but the journey can still take some unexpected twists along the way.

"Darth Vader"#48 is shaping up to be an action-packed affair that will undoubtedly highlight just how much darkness dwells in Skywalker's soul. In the meantime, check out these exclusive images that showcase the former Tatooine farm boy at his most aggressive and morally conflicted.

Darth Vader continues to rebel against his master in the comics

One of the most fascinating storylines in Marvel's "Darth Vader" series is the titular Sith's beef with Emperor Palpatine. The Sith leader wants to find out how powerful Darth Vader really is, so he's been toying with his protégé by ordering hits on him and acting amused at the results. This has understandably angered Vader, causing him to form an alliance with a sect of dark rebels known as the Schism Imperial, who also want to see Palpatine's reign come to an end as they don't think he's good for the Galactic Empire.

Issue #47 saw Vader and his allies overcome the Sith Eternal and battle a monstrous Summa-verminoth on Exegol. However, as previously mentioned, the biggest takeaway is probably Palpatine telling Vader to go find his son and figure out if his soul is corruptible. As such, readers can potentially look forward to a conversation between Luke Skywalker and his father in the near future — that is, if the Jedi can overcome the niggling headache that is Sabé.

"Star Wars: Darth Vader" #48, by Greg Pak, Raffaele Ienco, Federico Blee, and VC's Joe Caramagna, will be released in July 2024. You can find more information on the issue and where to purchase a copy on the Marvel website.