Borderlands First Reactions Are Exactly What We Expected

Twitter didn't hold back with its criticisms of the "Borderlands" trailer, with some people comparing the video game adaptation to a poor version of "Guardians of the Galaxy." Of course, trailers can be deceiving and don't always sum up a film's overall quality, so should people give this one a fair shake? Well, if the early reactions are anything to go by, Eli Roth's sci-fi blockbuster is a dud.

Featuring a star-studded ensemble that includes Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Edgar Ramirez, "Borderlands" follows a group of misfits who must navigate hostile terrains and find a missing girl. This brings them into contact with all types of creatures and criminals, and while that premise sounds fun, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. "'Borderlands' is the worst movie I've seen this year. There is no heart or emotion in a lackluster script based off a video game," X (formerly known as Twitter) user @JoshBlumenkranz wrote. Despite not liking the movie, the commentator noted that the film has some enjoyable humor thanks to Black, but concluded by saying it's an unfocused mess.

This criticism echoes many of the early reactions to "Borderlands." With that in mind, let's take a look at some of the other responses.

Borderlands has problems

The early reactions to "Borderlands" suggest that it's a messy affair, but some viewers went into it with cautious optimism. Sadly, the film doesn't live up to those expectations, with X's @SmatthewFW noting that it's a missed opportunity. "I really wanted to like it, but an uninspired plot + several phoned-in performances + being stuck in a weird place where it looks both expensive and cheap at the same time make it a huge misfire."

Eli Roth is known for making movies that are disturbing to finish, with "Hostel," "Cabin Fever," and "Death Wish" proving that he likes pushing people's buttons. Unfortunately, he had to tone it down for "Borderlands", and @dmoviereviews believes that the family-friendly approach is detrimental to the overall experience. "[While] the video game carries a M rating, the film carries a PG-13 rating and you can tell it forced Eli Roth into an uncomfortable space as he tried to create a fun and bizarre space adventure. Not bad, but utterly forgettable."

Some critics were even harsher with their lambasting, with @edgorteg claiming that the movie feels something from a bygone era — and not in a good way. "'Borderlands' feels like what an out of touch executive thinks the "cool kids" find appealing. There is not a single earnest character moment here, just obnoxious quips that feel dated as soon as they leave the actors' mouths." These critiques make "Borderlands" sound terrible, but if you're interested in giving it a chance, you'll be pleased to know that some viewers didn't hate the experience.

Borderlands' fans are few and far between

The early reactions to "Borderlands" are overwhelmingly negative — this cannot be stressed enough. Enter with caution. However, for the sake of a robust debate, let's highlight some of the positive sentiments for Eli Roth's latest effort. X user @theatomreview had a good time with "Borderlands," praising the performances and its nods to the games. "Jack Black's Claptrap is the standout of the film. Comedy gold with fun action sequences, the audience will eat him up," they wrote. "Crowd-pleasing adaptation that's faithful to the legacy of the games while also defining 'Borderlands' for a new generation."

Meanwhile, @Goodtweet_man appreciates that "Borderlands" has unified social media users who've seen the film — even if it's for the wrong reasons. "I like how everyone is in agreement the Borderlands movie is going to be just an absolutely massive pile of dogs**t." Of course, praising a movie because everyone agrees it's bad isn't exactly a glowing review, but it's rare to see people agreeing with each other on social media. Unfortunately, this sentiment is also one of the nicest things that's been said about Roth's film thus far.

It goes without saying that "Borderlands" isn't winning people over. However, only time will tell where it ranks among the best and worst live-action video game movies.