Why Alison Brie Agreed To Glow's Nude Scenes, Explained

"GLOW" really changed Alison Brie's life, especially when it came to filming nude scenes. While speaking to Net-a-Porter's The Edit magazine (via ET Online), Brie explained that she didn't have a problem getting naked on-screen for the first time for the wrestling-themed drama, but she also had some specific reasons for agreeing to shoot these revealing moments.

First of all, the show's creators made it clear from the get-go that the part of Ruth "Zoya the Destroya" Wilder involved nudity, so Brie knew what she was getting into from the start. Furthermore, she felt that there was an empowering quality to the scenes in question. "At that time, I just wanted to be on the show so much that I really didn't care," the actor said. "It was important that the show be a realistic portrayal of life in the way people live and the way they have sex. And also that our show be about every aspect of women's bodies, and women not being ashamed of their bodies."

Brie also believes that the nude scenes on "GLOW" weren't written to exploit the actors, so she felt comfortable doing them. What's more, she got to work with people who made her feel at ease.

Alison Brie felt comfortable on the set of GLOW

Alison Brie was willing to do nude scenes from the moment she signed up for "GLOW," but she appreciated how they were conducted on the set. During a conversation with her "Community" co-star Gillian Jacobs for Interview, she explained that working with female director Jesse Peretz helped — and even made her want to take her clothes off, as she felt the scenes had meaning, noting that they were treated sensitively.

Furthermore, Brie appreciated being consulted about the shots depicting her naked body, especially after hearing stories about actors being surprised into performing in nude scenes and having no say over how they were presented. "The worst thing about any scene you're shooting is the helplessness of not knowing what take they're gonna use, what angle they're gonna feature until you see it way later," Brie recalled. On "GLOW," however, she got to look at the shots after they were filmed and offer her input.

"The Community" star hasn't shied away from stripping her clothes off on camera since "GLOW." In fact, Brie insisted on adding a full-frontal nude scene to "Somebody I Used to Know" for personal reasons, further proving that she believes they can enhance a story. That said, her experiences of working on the Netflix series undoubtedly gave her the confidence to perform scenes of this type.

If you enjoyed this article, learn more about the untold truth of "GLOW."