Big Brother 26 Week 5: Veto Meeting Results Revealed

Contains spoilers for "Big Brother" Season 26, Week 6 and Week 7

It looks like Head of House Tucker's plan for chaos and discord has come to fruition, as he goes through with his plan to save Quinn, with his Power of Veto having gone into effect. Just as he'd promised to do, he also puts Chelsie up in Quinn's stead. He isn't quiet about this plot during Sunday night post-PoV hunt, and he tells all of his allies that he plans on getting rid of his biggest competition, Brooklyn.

Brooklyn, meanwhile, tries to forge a deal with Tucker. She swears she'd never put him up for elimination if she ever wins HoH. This, naturally, is a hope that runs counter to all of Tucker's plans of removing her from the house. Meanwhile, Tucker continues to offer Quinn an alliance or a deal, something Quinn has thus far been reluctant to take. Time will tell which housemate ends up being evicted, but comments made during the meeting strongly hint that battle lines are being drawn between the house's factions. They also allow Tucker to be very honest about the lies he feels like his roommates have been telling.

Tucker vented his spleen during the PoV meeting

During the PoV meeting, Tucker goes after MJ, claiming that her status as the mom of the group has shielded her from the consequences of her behavior. He also calls out Chelsie and Brooklyn for conspiring together.  "I am exposing everybody. There is a lot of rats and liars in here. Brooklyn is the one that f***** with my clothes," he proclaims. He reveals to MJ that Brooklyn had willingly ratted out her friends in an attempt to win Tucker's veto, and in hopes of convincing her to vote for Chelsie's removal from the house. Meanwhile, Chelsie begins to stump for her continued presence in the house.

As to why he saved Quinn, Tucker says, "He is gunning for me so hard and he knew he was f****** gone this week. I hope he can realize those bones I was throwing him were real." Who will leave and who will stay? All will be revealed and all "Big Brother" rumors will be confirmed or denied during Thursday's eviction ceremony.