AI 'Fixed' That Infamous Olympic Breakdance Routine - But It's Still A Nightmare

We don't want to call it "too soon," but not only are the wheels of Hollywood probably already turning to bring the story of Australian Rachael Gunn, aka Raygun, to the big screen, but we've got a feeling it has the chance to become one of the best movies about the Olympics ever made. The breakdancer who earned zero points during the 2024 international sporting event took the world by storm after busting moves in all the wrong ways and making the whole ordeal a cringeworthy watch. "That couldn't possibly be made any worse," we hear you cry. Well, dear reader, what if AI got involved and turned the whole routine into a body horror for the ages?

Instead of using it to do things like show what the characters from "Harry Potter" or "Lord of the Rings" should look like in real life, thanks to @69420digits on X, Raygun's painful routine has reached new realms of discomfort. The X user unleashed artificial intelligence on the dancer, causing the Olympian to fold in on herself and at one point resemble something along the lines of a mushroom from "The Dark Crystal." As is always the case with these unmanned little movies, background folk are flitting around as well, but the real focus is on Raygun, who looks like she's stumbled straight out of a horror film and been awarded no points for the effort. Understandably, those who have witnessed the visual nightmare themselves had plenty to say about the horror show.

AI Raygun video gets compared to John Carpenter classic

After gaining over 350,000 views on the social media platform, some of those who watched the AI footage of Raygun almost taking off like a helicopter were quick to chime in on how absolutely monstrous this all looked. @paranoiddream deemed the synthetic Raygun as "my sleep paralysis demon," while @JerichoFive theorized, "This is how i imagine a body getting close to a black hole."

Admittedly, there is something terribly hypnotic about the whole sequence, including the shot of Raygun hovering upside down on her head, looking far more at peace than she was during the actual event when everyone watched one of the greatest underdogs in Olympic history lose in such spectacular fashion. Had she pulled off some of the "routine" generated by the AI, we feel she'd definitely be in the conversation for gold—or at least investigated for potential demonic possession on account of all the contorting. At several points, she even transforms into totally different people!

As @DankEngine13 rightfully suggested, this is what things would look like, "If John Carpenter's The Thing performed at the Olympics." Forget the ceremonial torch—someone get the flamethrower.