Big Brother 26 Week 6 Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results Cause A Major Shakeup

Contains major spoilers for "Big Brother" 26, Week 7 and Week 8

Life in the "Big Brother" house is always a roller coaster, but with bombshell-tossing Tucker having achieved his aim of removing Brooklyn from the domicile while he was Head of House last week, life has come at him fast, and now he's one of three housemates who are up for eviction at Thursday's ceremony.

On Sunday, the roommates played a game in which they were required to correctly match the sounds played to the correct object or place them in the right order depending on the question. T'Kor won three rounds after the rest of her housemates eliminated themselves by guessing the sound effects incorrectly. That made her Head of House, and she did not hesitate to nominate Tucker and Makensy for elimination during the eviction meeting on Thursday.

Unfortunately for T'Kor, her other planned target, Cam, managed to snag a veto during a thus-far-unbroadcast competition — and immediately used it on himself during the veto meeting. Instead of nominating Cam, T'Kor named Angela as the third housemate up for eviction. That definitely changes how the game may be played — and it could all come down to how the AI Arena game plays out, as well as the eviction meeting. And that has the rest of the roommates up in arms.

Tucker thinks his housemates are finks, and Angela's surprised by her nomination

As we all well know, America loves conflict. Thus, unsurprisingly, Tucker has been voted A.I. Instigator of the Week, which means his natural inclination to troublemaking is being put to good use. He decided to use Quinn as his first avatar and tried to paint a target on Rubina's back, to her confusion. Tucker continued to feign innocence to Rubina's face, which left her confused. Once he was named HoH, he declared everyone in the house untrustworthy, and he should know. Angela, meanwhile, seemed a bit bewildered by this turn of events. Additionally, Joseph is the most confused housemate of all, as he'd been on solitary punishment and ended up emerging into a whole new household order. 

Thursday night's episode will likely show off whatever task Cam completed to get his veto, and will also include an elimination ceremony that will bring the housemate total down to 10 people. Time will tell who stays and who goes, or whether anyone in "Big Brother" Season 26 will prove controversial through their actions, but it looks like there's going to be more than one way to survive being eliminated during this section of the game.