AI Created Its Own Kids Puppet Show - And It's Absolutely Horrifying

While the advancements in artificial intelligence might still look a bit sluggish in some areas, what with your inhumane hands and body contortions of Olympic breakdancers, there's one space where it's ahead of the game: nightmare fuel. After seeing the likes of a "Pokémon" movie directed by Tim Burton, as well as '50s versions of "The Simpsons" and "Friends," not a lot of it has made for an enjoyable watch. That makes trying to conjure up a children's television show an obvious technological no-no. Of course, science fiction stories have shown that we're going to just do it anyway, which has led us to a grim and unsettling entry from Geddy Ruxpin, which posits a children's show with puppets in what appears to be a straight-up crime scene. Gather 'round kids. Can you say, "Stephen King?"

Giving a very strong and excessively "off" 1970s vibe, the latest clip from the AI enthusiast includes a Jim Henson-like "puppet" and a wild-haired "host." Both change shape, size, and just general consistent believability as they move forwards and backwards what looks like a house located in a bomb zone. Naturally, some fans were both haunted and amused by what was on show and had their own thoughts to share. They were not nice, at all.

Viewers find compare Geddy Ruxpin videos to fever dreams

While it might've earned over 12,000 likes at the point of writing, the feedback for this monstrosity (sorry, Geddy) is exactly what you'd expect. Baffled by the contorted muppet-like "buddy" wandering back and forth through the sequence was enough to make @tommy_bigfoot question their health saying, "Christ on a bike have I got a fever again?" At the same time, @janine.xoxox was blunt in her view saying, "Oh my god I hate this," and we've got a feeling she's not the only one.

It's certainly something that's sticking with us, along with just about every other AI-flavored post that dear Geddy Ruxpin has posted on Instagram. Plenty of other alternate kids television shows are viewable ... even though we wish they weren't, as they all seem to carry the same vibe as "Halloween III: Season of the Witch." What we would advise is, please don't show this to your little ones. Like, ever.