LEGO Debuts Its First Ever Twilight Set With The Cullen House

Hold on spider monkeys, LEGO just announced their first ever "Twilight" set. Collaborating with the studio that brought you five incredible romantic films, The LEGO Group debuts Twilight – The Cullen House from their Ideas platform. The window-adorned modern mansion is a spectacle, with 2,001 pieces and seven mini-figures: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, and Charlie Swan. We're missing a good chunk of the Cullen family here, with absences from Jasper Cullen, Emmett Cullen, and Esme Cullen, unfortunately. Jacob actually appears twice, as we also have his wolf form, which almost towers over the house.

The Cullen House LEGO set also comes with Bella's red truck, but it's missing a bit of a rust. Okay, it's missing a lot of rust. The three-story house is modular perfection, and is a perfect replica of the Washington home so many grew to love. Some standout features from inside the house include the family's collection of graduation caps turned into art, the black piano, and Edward's record collection.

Have Italiano with the Cullens

The LEGO Ideas program allows brick builders from across the world to submit their own designs, that other fans can vote on in hopes of bringing the set to fruition. So, who do we have to thank for the first ever Twilight LEGO set? That would be Nick Micheels. The Californian LEGO fan knew what had to be done, with all of us thinking "Nick, where the hell have you been loca?" We've gone way too long without a Twilight LEGO set.

"The amazing submissions on the LEGO Ideas site that demonstrated how dynamic the LEGO system is inspired me to submit my own idea," Nick said. "I decided to create a Twilight build because I'm a massive fan of the saga, and imagining a LEGO interpretation of the films made me so happy!" Nick, may both sides of your pillow always be cold. But not, like, Cullen-cold. Nick's design hit over 10,000 votes in under 48 hours, with LEGO citing it as one of the fastest 10,000 vote submissions in the program's history.

You can pre-order Twilight – The Cullen House now on for $219.00. It's available for purchase on February 4.