Fire Country Season 3: Bode's Haunted Past, Explained
Contains spoilers for "Fire Country" Season 3, Episode 13 — "My Team"
Bode Leone (former child actor Max Thieriot) is coping with a lot of emotional scars as the team is called in to put out a dugout fire stared by a smoke bomb during "My Team." The town's big baseball game — known as the County Clash — lies ahead, and all he can remember is the knee injury that ruined his plans to go pro.
To Bode's horror, the guy coaching the ballclub — Drew Kimbro (Luke Humphrey) — is the guy who ruined his high school athletic career with a dirty play. It was that very injury that got him addicted to opioids, which led to him becoming a criminal and ultimately being incarcerated in Three Rock Camp. There's no love lost between Drew and Bode, but Bode manages to talk Drew into being a better coach to the next generation when they realize the smoke bomb-throwing kid is too petrified by Drew's hard-bitten leadership style to face the big game.
Even worse for Bode, his injury's been reactivated by the disastrous trip Bode and Jake (Jordan Calloway) took into the Trinity National Forest on a risk assessment journey during Episode 12. But his banged-up knee isn't the only baggage Bode's carrying with him.
Bode may or may not give in to his pain pill addiction
Bode keeps having dreams about Rafael (Victor Andres Turgeon-Trelles), a man he and Jake found under a rockslide but couldn't rescue before he was crushed to death. His guilt about Rafael mirrors his remorse over his sister Riley's death years earlier in a car accident, for which he was at the wheel. His inability to save his sister has always haunted him. He talks about his failure to rescue Rafael with his Uncle Luke (Michael Trucco) during a game of pick-up ball. While Bode's spirit isn't entirely settled, he's at least able to close the door on his feelings.
But Bode's troubles don't end there. It seems that Drew doesn't just play dirty baseball, he's got a drug connection. As a gesture of goodwill, he offers Bode a baggie of painkillers that he took during a recent shoulder injury for Bode to use for his knee. We don't see Bode take any of the pills, or what he does with them, leaving fans to wonder if Bode will tilt back over the edge into full-on drug addiction or worse, end up back in Three Rock for parole violation.
That would definitely endanger his relationship with Audrey James (Leven Rambin), right after they take a big step in Episode 11 and kiss. The next episode of "Fire Country" will reveal what path Bode chooses, but Max Thieriot did say before Season 3 began that Bode would be walking the line between addiction and sobriety this season – so fans should brace themselves for the worst.
If you or anyone you know needs help with addiction issues, help is available. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).