Star Wars Production Company Fined $2 Million For Harrison Ford Injury

Harrison Ford was nearly killed aboard the Millennium Falcon and now a British production company is paying for it.

According to Britain's Press Association (via CNN), the Disney-owned Foodles Production Ltd. was fined almost $2 million after Ford was injured in June 2014 during production for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. According to the report, Ford's leg was crushed by a hydraulic door while preparing to film scenes on the Millennium Falcon set at Pinewood Studios in London. He suffered a broken leg and required surgery.

Prosecutor Andrew Marshall said the door acted like a "blunt guillotine" that came within "millimeters" of Ford's face. The Health and Safety Executive told the court that the force of the door was similar to the weight of a small car.

The Guardian reports that Ford spoke to talk show host Jonathan Ross about the accident last year. He said he initially had thought the Millennium Falcon had come a long way since pulleys were used to open the ship's doors during the filming the original Star Wars.

"Now we had lots of money and technology, and so they built a f***ing great hydraulic door which closed at light speed," he said. "[Then] somebody said, 'Ooh, I wonder what this is?' The door came down and hit me on my left hip because I was turned to my right. And then it flung my left leg up and it dislocated my ankle. As it drove me down to the floor, my legs slapped on the ramp up to the Millennium Falcon and broke both bones in my left leg."

Luckily, Ford was able to continue filming as he recovered. Meanwhile, check out a few other famous movie scenes in which actors nearly died, and a few on-set injuries that ended up in films.