The CSI Revival Could Be Closer Than You Think

It's been close to six years since CSI: Crime Scene Investigation went off the air, and the withdrawals are starting to affect former viewers in a big way. Fans have asked for a CSI revival. They've begged for a CSI revival. At times, false rumors of a forthcoming CSI revival have circulated, raising hopes doomed to be dashed, and causing many devotees to pledge in solemn tones that they won't fall for such skullduggery a second time.

At the risk of fooling them again, The Hollywood Reporter has just relayed news that should come as a pleasant surprise: CSI might just be headed back to television sooner than we could have imagined. According to this report, a CBS All Access limited series returning us to the world of blacklights, DNA sequencing, and heavy dramatic pauses is well underway, with Elementary scribe Jason Tracey at the head of a room organized by series progenitors Jerry Bruckheimer and Anthony Zuiker.

And that's not all: CSI stars William Petersen and Jorja Fox, who played Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle, are also said to be in talks to make a return trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, with THR stating that the familiar faces are currently "closing in on deals."

Not bringing back CSI would be criminal

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation ran for nearly enough seasons to get its own driver's license before it got the axe, concluding in September of 2015 after 337 episodes. It even managed to run out the clock on two of its spinoffs — no small feat for any program. Still, crime procedurals being the Lays potato chips of television genres ("betcha can't eat just 300!"), fans have been lobbying for a follow-up ever since.

Initial plans for a relaunch were purportedly planned to coincide with the show's 20th anniversary last year, but plans were delayed. The producers hope that a revived revival will help to revive interest in the beloved series, which for seven consecutive years boasted regular viewership of over 20 million.

Additionally, the new run of CSI has reportedly added three new cast members to its ranks. Matt Lauria of Friday Night Lights, Paula Newsome from HBO's Barry, and Mel Rodriguez of The Last Man On Earth have all signed on for unspecified roles. It's a regular "who's who" of "whoooo are you?"

There's no word yet on exactly when we can expect to see Las Vegas' finest not get fooled again ... again, but we'll keep you updated on any further developments.