Beastars Season 3 - What We Know So Far

"Beastars" is an action/drama anime series based on the original manga by Paru Itagaki. After rising in popularity, the manga received an anime adaptation from Studio Orange (via Anime News Network). The adaptation was released locally in 2019 before Netflix streamed it internationally the following year. On July 15, 2021, Netflix began streaming the entirety of the second season.

The series follows Legoshi, a teenage wolf in a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, one divided between carnivores and herbivores. Tensions between students in both camps are often high as carnivores must resist their natural instinct to consume their peers. Amidst these tense relations, Legoshi finds himself in the middle of both a murder mystery and a romance following the death of one of the school's herbivore students and his encounter with the girl rabbit, Haru.

In the wake of Season 2's recent release, fans are already wondering if they will get to see a continuation of the series. Unfortunately, their wishes might not come true in the near future. Regardless, the potential for a third season remains. Here is what we know so far about "Beastars" Season 3.

When will Beastars Season 3 release?

As of now, there have been no announcements regarding "Beastars" Season 3. Usually, this wouldn't be very much of a concern. There is often a short period of silence between the end of a season and the announcement of a follow-up. Things are slightly different with "Beastars," however. The final episode of the first season concluded with Season 2's announcement, setting up the expectation of another announcement in the final episode of Season 2. Unfortunately, the show's creators neglected to offer Season 3 the same treatment as its predecessor. This has led to uncertainty regarding the series' continuation.

If Season 3 is created, those who appreciate watching anime with English dubs will reap the benefits of Netflix's localization efforts. Though "Beastars" has traditionally been released in Japan before going international, Netflix has always simulcast both the English and Japanese dubs. Assuming it sticks with this practice, dub-watchers won't have to wait too much longer than others to see "Beastars" Season 3.

Who are the characters in Beastars Season 3?

Fans of the series will be delighted to know that if "Beastars" does receive a third season, most (if not all) of the show's recurring characters will return. Legoshi (Chikahiro Kobayashi/Jonah Scott), following his decision to drop out of school, must find a new purpose in life (via Myanimelist). Likewise, his closest companions will be there to join him. These include Louis (Yuuki Ono/Griffin Puatu), Haru (Sayaka Senbongi/Lara Jill Miller), and Jack (Junya Enoki/Benjamin Diskin).

Assuming "Beastars" continues to faithfully adapt the manga, several new characters are expected to appear. The most important of these new arrivals will likely be Yahya, the current Beastar. How Legoshi and Louis get along with this third influential figure will make a major mark on events to come. Unfortunately, there have been no casting announcements for Yahya or the other new arrivals. Fans will have to wait for more news before learning who is set to portray these new players.

What is the story of Beastars Season 3?

Following the dramatic final fight in Season 2, most of the characters in "Beastars" remain alive and well. Our protagonist, Legoshi, is no worse for wear following his showdown with Riz. However, his life is decidedly different after dropping out of school. His relationship with Louis is now stronger than ever. Meanwhile, his relationship with Haru was somewhat-coyly left up in the air. Legoshi's penchant for attracting trouble, along with his new criminal record, might be obstacles preventing them from deepening their romantic bond.

The events make a great launching point for a transition into Season 3, which should adapt the manga starting with where Season 2 left off at the beginning of Volume 12. The ensuing chapters focus on Legoshi and Louis as they continue to bridge the rift between carnivores and herbivores (via Barnes and Noble). Legoshi befriends two new herbivores, Merino and Yahya. Meanwhile, both Legoshi and Louis must "come to terms with their father figures." As such, the stage is set for more drama and action if and when "Beastars" Season 3 releases.