Jeffrey Wright Reveals His Favorite What If...? Episode
"What If...?" is one of Disney+'s newest series, and will be the first animated project in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The highly-anticipated series will reimagine the tellings of different MCU stories — like, "What if Peggy Carter became a super-soldier instead of Steve Rogers?" If that wasn't exciting enough, the animated characters will be voiced by the MCU actors who play them in the live-action films, with stars like Hayley Atwell, Chris Hemsworth, and Josh Brolin lending their voices to the project.
While most of these characters are returning fan-favorites, there will be a whole new presence on the show who will appear in every episode. Jeffrey Wright voices Uatu the Watcher, the narrator of the series who oversees the events in the multiverse. We'll have to wait and see how integral Uatu is in "What If...?" when it debuts on August 11.
For now, Wright is spilling the details on his favorite episode of the series, and has us amped up for one specific retelling that involves one of the MCU's most powerful characters.
Jeffrey Wright is excited about the Doctor Strange episode
In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jeffrey Wright dished on all things "What If...?" and mentioned a specific episode that was his favorite. According to the actor, the Doctor Strange episode is one the fans are going to want to check out.
"I was really taken by the Doctor Strange episode, which you will see when you get there. For some reason, it just really pulled at my emotions," he told the outlet. Wright added that Doctor Strange's story becomes of interest to his Watcher character, which makes sense given his connection to the multiverse. "So yeah, check out the Doctor Strange one when it comes. When you land on that one, you'll land in a place where I sat up even further in my seat," Wright continued.
Additionally, Wright mentioned it was really special to hear Chadwick Boseman's voice in the series. The late actor recorded his part as T'Challa for "What If...?" before his tragic death in 2020, and reportedly did so for several episodes (via Screen Rant). Wright said he "can't wait for folks to just hear him," and was moved when he heard him for the first time.
For now, we don't know when the Doctor Strange or T'Challa episodes will air, so fans will have to tune in each week as episodes of "What If..." begin to drop starting on August 11.