Netflix Will Finish Orson Welles' Last Film, The Other Side Of The Wind

Netflix will be making history fairly soon, as (mostly) everyone's favorite streaming service announced it has obtained global, completion, and restoration rights to finish Orson Welles' The Other Side of the Wind.

From quite possibly the most famous film director in history (thus far, at least), the unfinished movie by the same man who directed Citizen Kane and The Other Side of the Wind has rested in an incomplete state for decades. But now, thanks to the efforts of Netflix and Royal Road Entertainment founder Filip Jan Rymsza, Welles' final flick will be completed and refreshed into something likely wonderful (via The Hollywood Reporter).

Netflix is set to pick up where Rymsza left off. The filmmaker initially endeavored to finish The Other Side of the Wind, establishing an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for the restoration and completion process. Rymsza pulled in a total of $400,000 through his crowdfunding efforts, but has come together with Netflix to make the completed version possible. Netflix creatives will work closely with him throughout process.

The original film's production manager Frank Marshall, who served throughout the sporadic shoot from 1970 to 1976, is set to supervise restoration and completion. Additionally, original cast member Peter Bogdanovich will consult. Marshall and Bogdanovich will reportedly use "handwritten notes from Welles and their own memory of the production" while working on the Netflix project.

Head of Netflix Ted Sarandos issued a statement on the upcoming completion process: "Like so many others who grew up worshipping the craft and vision of Orson Welles, this is a dream come true. The promise of being able to bring to the world this unfinished work of Welles with his true artistic intention intact, is a point of pride for me and for Netflix."

No additional details have been given yet, so while we wait for more, take a look at some actually completed films that we just never got to see.