The Flash EP Says Savitar Reveal Will Be Biggest Twist Yet
We are getting closer and closer to figuring out who is behind Savitar's mask on The Flash, and executive producer Todd Helbing says that the reveal will be the most shocking yet–even more than when Harrison Wells was revealed to actually be the Reverse Flash in disguise in season one.
"Normally we have shown the identity of the villains a lot earlier in the season," Helbing told The Hollywood Reporter. "There's a specific reason why we waited for this reveal until now. Nobody's going to see this coming. Harrison Wells in season 1 and Jay in season 2 were satisfying reveals, but this one takes the cake." Candice Patton, who plays Iris (the character predicted to die at Savitar's hands), agrees that the reveal is "on par" with that in the first season. "Without giving away too much, fans are going to be shocked," she said. "I was wondering how they could do it and make it work and keep it a secret, but I think fans are going to be really surprised. You won't see it coming."
Series star Grant Gustin added that it's "a very different and jarring" reveal. "I can't really tease much other than it's going to be the hardest big bad to take down or even come up with a way to take down," he said. "It creates problems for us when we find out his true identity."
We'll get closer to finding out Savitar's identity in Tuesday's episode, which will feature the comic book villain Abra Kadabra, a meta from Earth-19 who has information that Barry desperately wants about Savitar's identity. However, he will clash with Gypsy (Jessica Camacho), who wants to bring him back to his Earth and imprison him for his crimes. Helbing teased: "Can Barrry get that information out of him before he vanishes?"
The Flash airs on Tuesdays on The CW. There are still a few episodes left in season 3, so it may be a while before we actually find out who Savitar is. In the meantime, you can see what Patton and Gustin have to say about where Barry and Iris' relationship stands after last week's proposal, and check out how the cast should really look based on the comics.