Brad Pitt Won't Play Cable In Deadpool 2

As the Merc with a Mouth gears up for a second round on the silver screen, the creatives behind Deadpool 2 work toward finalizing a pretty big decision: which actor will play Cable. Though rumors swirled that Brad Pitt was in the running for the sequel's second-biggest character, director David Leitch has confirmed that he's no longer in consideration.

Speaking with at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, Leitch dashed the dreams of those hoping Pitt would appear as the telepathic, telekinetic mutant. Though an initial conversation was reportedly quite productive and seemed to be going well, the deal, unfortunately, didn't perfectly align.

"We had a great meeting with Brad, he was incredibly interested in the property," explained Leitch. "Things didn't work out schedule-wise. He's a fan, and we love him, and I think he would've made an amazing Cable."

This comes as a surprise to some, especially after alleged "official" concept art featuring Pitt as Cable surfaced online. Understandably, this led many to believe the actor was the strongest contender for the role, with others taking the photos as clear confirmation of Pitt's casting. The race toward casting Cable has also been complicated by reports that both Nocturnal Animals actor Michael Shannon and Stranger Things' David Harbour were in contention.

Deadpool 2's writers have promised we won't have to wait too much longer to see who'll portray Cable, as the official casting will be announced "soon." While we pass the time between now and then, check out the Deadpool match-ups we'd pay to see and the actors we think would be killer as Cable.