Jeremy Renner Was Ready To Ditch Hawkeye Unless Marvel Met This Demand

Jeremy Renner has been a Marvel Cinematic Universe mainstay ever since he first appeared as Clint Barton in 2011's "Thor."  Also known as Hawkeye, the expert archer is tasked with keeping a close watch on everyone's favorite hunky Norse god (played by Chris Hemsworth) as he infiltrates the New Mexico S.H.I.E.L.D. site. Hawkeye eventually became a heroic figure and is recruited to join forces with other superheroes for the first generation of the Avengers in 2012's "Marvel's The Avengers." With Hawkeye's big breakout turn in this MCU team-up, he also became a huge fan-favorite character.

Hawkeye has been forced to take a backseat while more popular heroes like Iron Man and Captain America have received top billing in the multi-billion dollar franchise. Good things come to those who wait, however, as the arrow-shooting warrior is set to headline his own series on Disney+. Starring in an MCU series would be a dream come true for most actors. Who wouldn't be willing to sacrifice everything for such a major opportunity, after all? Renner, that's who.

In a recent interview, the "Hawkeye" actor revealed that he wasn't willing to continue playing the superhero unless Disney agreed to one significant demand.

Jeremy Renner told Marvel to 'recast' Hawkeye

Much like the heroes in the "Fast and Furious" saga, Jeremy Renner is all about family. In a recent interview with Men's Health (per Insider), the Marvel veteran revealed that he experienced a brief conflict with Disney that could have led to him abandoning his Marvel commitments. In short, he wanted assurances that he'd be able to spend sufficient time with his loved ones before agreeing to play Hawkeye again.

The actor, who became a father in 2013, said that parenting enabled him to be bolder when it came to negotiating with the studio. "It taught me how to have the nuts to say, 'Everyone, f*** off. It's my time with my daughter,'" Renner told the magazine.

While everything worked out in the end, there was a time when the MCU star's colleagues feared he'd be fired for his actions. However, he refused to compromise and stuck to his guns. "I said, 'Fine, recast me. I'm going to be here with my daughter.' It was pretty gnarly."

The "Hawkeye" star went on to share that his relationship with his daughter, Ava, is now a major factor in his decision to take on any project because spending time with her is his priority. He told Men's Health that all of his creative endeavors will get pushed to the wayside "until my daughter says, 'I want to hang out with my friends, and I don't want to be around you so much, Daddy.'"

The first two episodes of "Hawkeye," starring Renner as Clint Barton and Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop, debut on Disney+ on November 24.