The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent Trailer Reveals Nic Cage In The Role He Was Born To Play

No one has a grab bag of performances quite like Nicolas Cage. From pig-obsessed chefs to Spider-Men from alternate dimensions, Mr. Cage has done it all and then some. It stands to reason, then, that one of the only performances left to check off the list is that of himself, which he's set to deliver in the upcoming movie "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent."

Directed and co-written by Tom Gormican, who put this mad story together with Kevin Etten, the film sees Cage as, well, himself. He's been paid a hefty sum to attend the birthday of a crime boss and coincidental superfan, Javi Guiterezz (Pedro Pascal of "The Mandalorian"). It's a potentially tense situation but the actor and the crime lord hit it off immediately. That is until the CIA throws a wrench in the works of this blooming bromance when they task Cage to work with them to bring his new buddy down. Also, if things weren't already strange enough, during this whole ordeal, Mr. Cage has time conversing with 'Nicky,' a complete figment of the actor's imagination who is a younger version of himself from his "Wild at Heart" days.

The legend is out the Cage in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

While the film's trailer bills the outing as "The most Nicolas Cage movie ever," "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent" also boasts an impressive supporting cast that includes Neil Patrick Harris as the actor's agent, along with Tiffany Haddish and Ike Barinholtz as the CIA agents watching Cage's every move. What we've seen so far sure looks like a lot of fun, mostly thanks to the chemistry between Pascal and Cage, and the latter leaning fully into the self meta-mockery.

Regarding the fact that he's pulling double duty in the film, Cage jumped on the crazy task without any issue. After all, he already has experience playing two characters in movies like "Face/Off" and "Adaptation." The Oscar-winner recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly about playing both himself and a figment of imagination. He revealed that he used one classic film for inspiration. "I wasn't too excited about the idea of playing myself, but when Tom sent me this script, Nicky reminded me a little of Jerry Lewis' Buddy Love in 'The Nutty Professor,'" said Cage. "I always admired what he did with that movie. For me, Nicky steals the show."

We'll be able to see just how much of the show is divvied up by young and old Nicky when "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent" arrives in cinemas on April 22, 2022.