What Even Diehard Fans Don't Know About Wonder Woman's Love Life

She's strong, fierce, independent, loving, compassionate, bold, and beautiful. But when it comes to romance, even Wonder Woman has had her fair share of problems over the years, getting mixed up with everyone from Superman to Batman to Aquaman, of all people. Sound crazy? Here's a look at some things even diehard fans don't know about Wonder Woman's strange love life.

Steve Trevor

Played by Chris Pine in the film, Steve Trevor is Wonder Woman's answer to Lois Lane. But while fans may be familiar with Trevor from the movie or the 1970s television show that saw him played by Lyle Waggoner, his romance with Diana has had more than a few ups and downs.

After his plane crashed in the ocean near Paradise Island, Trevor, an Air Force pilot, was rescued by Wonder Woman. It was love at first sight for both, and after Diana came to America, she set up a secret identity as Diana Prince, Trevor's assistant. Yet somehow Steve never seemed to figure out that his assistant and his superhero girlfriend were the same person. He only had eyes for Wonder Woman and that star-spangled bustier.

Though he called her "angel" for saving his life in the plane crash, Wonder Woman couldn't save him from every dumb decision he'd make, as Trevor was shockingly killed off in the February 1969 issue of Wonder Woman. And that's when things got really weird.

Wonder Woman and her mother Hippolyta beseeched Aphrodite to return Steve from the dead and she seemingly brought him back, only for Steve to be killed again by a demonic force. Hippolyta was so distraught at her daughter's despair that she later erased Wonder Woman's memories of Steve entirely.

But that turned out to be pointless, because a portal to an alternate universe opened up, and an alternate version of Steve came through, triggering the whole romance over again—until the second dead Steve came back from the grave! Eventually it was revealed that the "resurrected" version of Steve was actually the god of love Eros in disguise; he and Aphrodite then implanted the memories of the original, murdered Steve Trevor into the mind of the alternate universe Steve, merging them into one person. Diana and Steve then got married and lived happily ever after for about one week, at which point the entire universe was destroyed.

After the DC Universe was reformed, a new version of Steve Trevor appeared who was more a brother figure to Diana. He ended up marrying Diana's best buddy Etta Candy. But when that universe was also inevitably rebooted, yet another version of Steve debuted, this time as a bitter ex-boyfriend who acted as a liaison between the government and the Justice League. 

All of which is weird enough, but then there's this crazy fact: in the hit TV series, there were two versions of Steve who were both Diana's boyfriend—and they were also father and son, played by the same actor. And you thought comic books were confusing!

Mike Bailey

Remember when Steve Trevor was resurrected by Aphrodite, only to die again? After that second death, Diana decided to quit her job and become an astronaut at NASA, because that's what you do after your boyfriend bites the dust. It seemed to be a pretty good decision for her love life, because she soon became involved with a fellow astronaut in training by the name of Mike Bailey.

Unfortunately, it turned out that Mike was actually a member of the playing-card-themed supervillain team called the Royal Flush Gang. And he wasn't even the King or anything—he was just the lowly Ten of Spades. Naturally, Wonder Woman busted him, but she busted her own heart in the process. 

Keith Griggs

While all that nonsense about Steve Trevor being a zombie god was playing out, Diana got herself in a bit of a pickle when she explored a side romance with another Air Force officer by the name of Keith Griggs. Griggs had a lot in common with Steve Trevor, with one major difference: he wasn't interested romantically in Wonder Woman at all. He was actually interested in her alter ego Diana Prince, because he was impressed with her skill, intelligence, and bravery.

It's pretty obvious why Griggs would be pretty intriguing to Diana after decades of Steve putting her on a pedestal, calling her "angel," and not even noticing her when she's out of costume. Still, after a brief dalliance, Diana decided her heart was with Steve, and she broke things off with Keith. On the bright side for poor Griggs, at least his life ended up being a lot less complicated in the long run.


If you've seen Disney's Little Mermaid, you have a pretty good idea how the gender-flipped story of Mer-boy and Princess Diana went. Mer-boy, whose real name was Ronno, just wanted to be with his sweetie, the teenage Wonder Girl. Unfortunately, you know, he was half fish. Their doomed romance lasted throughout their teen years, but eventually, they grew up and realized that some ideas are just too silly even for comic books. Sorry, Ronno!

Trevor Barnes

First appearing in the July 2001 issue of Wonder Woman,Trevor Barnes was a modern romantic partner for a new millennium. A human rights advocate working for the United Nations, Trevor initially felt that Wonder Woman was out of his league. But through persistence, she eventually won him over, and they began a relationship.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be—not due to some kind of comic threat of supervillain's plan, but just because, you know, sometimes these things don't quite work out. Don't worry, though, there were still some high-level comic book shenanigans involved: after they decided they should just be friends, Barnes accidentally became the host of a malevolent deity called the Shattered God, and was later killed by Zeus in order to protect the world.


Sometime after the unfortunate death of Trevor Barnes, Wonder Woman found herself in another relationship that was ultimately doomed by the difficulty of finding love in this crazy, mixed-up world. This time around, it was the former Suicide Squad member known as Nemesis who became romantically involved with Diana. After he helped save Paradise Island from destruction, Diana decided he'd be a good mate with which to start a family and carry on the Amazon tradition.

Unfortunately for her, Nemesis didn't want to have children. Plus, as a romantic, he wanted to marry for love, not biological convenience. As a result, he broke off their courtship and turned down her offer of marriage. 


If the idea of Batman and Wonder Woman being in a relationship seems like some sort of ridiculous fan service gone awry, well...it pretty much is. But DC Comics, eager to explore every possible romantic partner for Diana, has floated the idea of Batman and Wonder Woman a couple times—and it actually worked out pretty well.

Not in the comics, of course. Though the two briefly shared a kiss in the pages of JLA, Wonder Woman later used a mystical artifact to determine she and Batman were a bad fit (something pretty much anyone alive could have simply told her even without the magic of the gods).

But in the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited animated series, Wonder Woman and Batman actually developed an interesting if unlikely romantic partnership that became a fan favorite. Naturally.


DC Comics made headlines in 2016 when writer Greg Rucka announced that Wonder Woman is officially queer. It didn't really come as a surprise, as it had been hinted in the comics for decades. Many fans just took it as a given: considering she grew up on an island populated only by women, it just made sense.

Still, not much is really known or has been shown yet of her same-sex relationships. The only girlfriend of Wonder Woman's who has been given much of a story is Kaisa, one of her fellow Amazons, but several other possible Amazonian hookups have been mentioned as well. Will we get to see more of Kaisa, or another one of Wonder Woman's girlfriends? Only time will tell.


If Batman seemed like an unlikely romantic partner, then on the surface, Aquaman seems even more ridiculous. But if you (ahem) dive a little deeper, it almost kind of makes sense. Like Wonder Woman, Arthur Curry comes from a secret civilization from the ancient past. And like Princess Diana, Aquaman is royalty, ruling over Atlantis as a benevolent monarch. The two surprisingly have a lot in common. Plus, we already know from her teenage romance with Mer-boy that she likes those fishy men.

As a result, more than one writer has explored what might happen if the two hooked up. Most of it has just been unrequited attraction, with a running subplot in the '90s revealing Aquaman's secret pinings for Wonder Woman. In the Flashpoint crossover event, though, readers were treated to an alternate universe tale in which the teammates teamed up in a different way, getting hitched in a political marriage to seal an alliance between their two societies. It ended very, very badly, with Wonder Woman killing Aquaman's true love Mera, and Atlantis and Themyscira destroying half the world in an all-out war. Think about that the next time you feel like you're going through a bad breakup.


For decades, Wonder Woman and Superman seemed to have the ultimate will-they, won't-they relationship in comics. With Superman stuck in a perpetually unchanging relationship with Lois Lane, DC still managed to tease the possibilities in a number of near-miss stories. One, for instance, had the pair pretending to hook up in order to thwart a scheme to kill Lois, while another saw the would-be couple enchanted by Eros into hooking up. On another occasion, Superman kissed Wonder Woman after having an erotic dream about her, leading to what must have been one of the most awkward conversations in Justice League history.

And then there are all the alternate universe and "imaginary" stories when they got married, or hooked up after Lois died, or had babies, or just made out after arguing about how big of a jerk Batman is.

It wasn't until 2012 that DC finally pulled the trigger and actually had the two begin a real, in-continuity relationship. That story is no longer in continuity, but it does pose some pretty big questions about what's going to happen with the characters in the DC Extended Universe, especially since Steve Trevor is no longer a roadblock to happiness in the films. Are Henry Cavill and Gal Godot going to become the ultimate onscreen power couple? Or are movie fans going to be teased with years worth of flirting the way comics readers were?

One thing's for sure: eventually, inevitably, Wonder Woman will finally lasso the perfect partner.