This Is When Space Force Season 2 Will Drop On Netflix

Regardless of political affiliation, almost everyone had a chuckle at the Trump-era prospect of a sixth branch of the military known as Space Force. While a political absurdity can often provide a good laugh, rarely are we treated with one so out-there that we get a bevy of pop culture to accompany it. In the case of the newly created military branch, it gave us a namesake TV series, "Space Force."

In May, the 2020 comedy hit Netflix, two months after the world shut down. It reunited Steve Carell with his "The Office" teammate Greg Daniels and promised to be a comedic break from the pandemic. While critics disagreed with the sentiment, giving it a 39% rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes, audiences enjoyed it enough to vote it up to 75%.

With over 2,100 user ratings in positive territory, it was only a matter of time before the streaming giant hit go on Season 2. Here is when you can prepare for "Space Force" Season 2 to finally land.

Space Force Season 2 is coming in February

A lot has happened in the world since May of 2020 — including, apparently, production on Season 2 of "Space Force."

With the cold response from critics, it feels a bit surprising that Netflix renewed so quickly. Sophie Gilbert of The Atlantic said it was "so strange and ill-conceived and ill-timed that not even Carell's avuncular bonhomie can save it. For all its cinematic trappings, 'Space Force' is a series with a single joke running through it, and that joke is American idiocy."

However, the prospect of Daniels producing and Carell starring in a series alongside John Malkovich and Lisa Kudrow was too much for Netflix to pass up. Especially when 75% of the audience agreed with Rotten Tomatoes user Carl F., "How is this not the most popular comedy on TV right now?"

As for a release date for the second season, the series didn't land in 2021, perhaps to avoid competing with "The Witcher." Good news for fans though, as the show's Twitter page announced today your favorite characters will return February 18, 2022