The New Side Of Darth Vader That Will Be Revealed In Obi-Wan Kenobi

It's been a long wait for the latest Disney+ entry in the "Star Wars" franchise, "Obi-Wan Kenobi," but that wait is nearly over. The miniseries is slated to premiere on May 27 with its first two episodes. The show will focus on the eponymous character, once again played by Ewan McGregor, and it takes place 10 years after "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith." It'll detail Kenobi's struggle against the Sith Inquisitors and take him off of the planet Tatooine, where he's been hiding and watching over Luke Skywalker (Grant Feely).

Perhaps one of the more interesting aspects of "Obi-Wan Kenobi," however, will see the return of Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, played once again by Hayden Christensen. The character has appeared in many "Star Wars" properties, and his Darth Vader persona has been portrayed as one of the most intimidating villains in the entire franchise. As any fan knows, though, the character is far more complex than non-fans might suspect. In fact, when the character appears in "Obi-Wan Kenobi," viewers will be treated to a brand new side of Vader altogether.

Darth Vader will struggle with his identity in Obi-Wan Kenobi

During an interview with, Hayden Christensen revealed that fans will get to see a new side of Darth Vader when he shows up on "Obi-Wan Kenobi." Elaborating on what that would look like, he said, ""I don't want to give anything away, but there's really sort of a struggle of identity with Vader. I think that's at the core of who he is. And in this, we get to explore that."

While fans have gotten to see Vader at the beginning of his time as a Sith lord and at the end, this new perspective that the show will provide takes place more in the middle period of his time as the character. That will surely open up all kinds of doors for potential development. Christensen dove even deeper into this concept when he spoke to Yahoo, and he talked about the struggle between both Anakin and Vader. "He's trying to bury Anakin as deep down inside as possible," he said. "He's trying to kill that side of himself."

According to Christensen, he wants to achieve this goal by committing to his mission and hunting down the remaining Jedi left. While it can't be known for sure until the show actually premieres, this avenue for the character makes a lot of sense, as it'll allow Vader to finally remove all reminders of his past as Anakin from the universe. How this will play out remains to be seen, but hopefully, it's as interesting for fans to watch as Christensen describes it as.