Top Gun Maverick is a celebrated sequel to a cinematic classic, but as beloved as the film is, it does still leave us with quite a few unanswered questions
Although Jennifer Connelly's "Top Gun: Maverick" character Penny Benjamin is a new face for the franchise, she was actually mentioned in the original film.
This appearance from "Top Gun: Maverick" just may rub viewers the wrong way due to the character's connection to Tom Cruise's Maverick in the original film.
The climactic scene of the new sequel actually owes a major debt to another legendary franchise: "Star Wars." Warning: You won't be able to unsee this.
"Top Gun: Maverick" is a straightforward action film, but it also packs in quite a bit of character work and multifaceted plotting. Here's what it all means.
Maverick is one of Tom Cruise's most legendary characters. But who is Maverick, really? And what part did Cruise have in creating this classic character?
The actress who plays Phoenix in "Top Gun: Maverick" may not have much film experience, but she's appeared in numerous television series over the years.
Fans of Slider from the original "Top Gun" may be surprised to learn the character's fate after the events of the film, as related by the actor who played him.
There's one specific "Star Wars" character from Obi-Wan's past that Ewan McGregor himself would love to see return to the franchise. Here's what we know.