While it was a sad moment for fans of "NCIS" when Sasha Alexander left at the end of Season 2, the actor would soon be cast in the "Mission: Impossible" series.
Following the release of "Spider-Man: No Way Home," fans learned why Peter Parker lost his powers in "Spider-Man 2." But there could be a bit more to it.
After a shocking plot development, it appeared that Adam Goldberg's role on The Equalizer may be coming to an end. Is the actor really leaving the series?
In "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith," Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Anakin Skywalker "goodbye old friend," and that moment has more meaning than you realize.
Boba Fett was presumed dead after being eaten by a sarlacc in "Return of The Jedi," but he survived the fearsome creature. Here's what we know about sarlaacs.
The droids of Star Wars all have strong personalities with incredibly human-like characteristics. So why not assign zodiac signs to these engaging characters?
Curses, idols, adventurers in hats and giant rolling boulders — if it's not "Raiders of the Lost Ark," it has to be Indiana Jones ripoffs like "Jake Speed."
"Star Wars" has dabbled in gags, dramatic beats, and themes that a series aimed at children can't properly portray. Here are times "Star Wars" went too far.
Are you an adorable porg, a voracious sarlacc, or a competitive rancor? Using the signs of the zodiac, we break down the creatures in the "Star Wars" franchise.
Ever wonder what weapon you'd wield as a "Star Wars" Jedi? You've come to the right place, as we use the zodiac to assign independent green, angry red and more.
The 1984 film "The Terminator" directed by James Cameron, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, has a key moment at the end that feeds directly into "Terminator 2."
The most iconic line in the James Bond film franchise can actually be attributed to the original 007 Sean Connery, who improvised the line in "Dr. No."
From Dominic Toretto to Brian O'Conner, Ludacris to Tyrese, we use the zodiac to break down "Fast and Furious" characters and uncover your role in the family.