Despite becoming a fan favorite, Temple of Doom remains the only appearance from "Shorty" in the Indiana Jones series. What's Jonathan Ke Quan up to today?
Fans wondering what happened to the actor who played young Alan in Jumanji can take solace in the fact that he was not stuck in a board game this whole time.
Jackie Chan's filmography is much more extensive (and impressive!) than what most American audiences believe it to be, and this 1985 action-comedy proves it.
Trying to summarize Michael Caine's career would take all day, as the actor's run the gamut from "vengeful senior citizen on a rampage" to "Austin Powers' dad."
Every one of the Die Hard movies have their merits, and if you'd like to arrange a viewing of the series for yourself at home, here's how you can do that.
In the classic Pulp Fiction scene, poor Brett just wanted to finish eating his hamburger, but, well... business is business. Where else has the actor appeared?