Heath Ledger's Joker was last seen hanging by his feet in "the Dark Knight," but did Christopher Nolan ever reveal what happened after Batman captured him?
The "Matrix" trilogy was one of sci-fi's most successful and influential franchises. Then a fourth film flopped 18 years later. Will there ever be a fifth?
Following a hiatus from acting, Indian megastar Shah Rukh Khan is back and better than ever in action thriller "Jawan." Here's the ending of "Jawan," explained.
Zack Snyder's upcoming "Rebel Moon" film has yet to drop on Netflix, but a tabletop game maker has just sued the streamer over an alleged contract violation.
In her memoir, Leslie Jones, who stars in 2016's "Ghostbusters," says she can't get over this comment made by "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" director Jason Reitman.
Jade Cargill is WWE's latest big-name signing, but the internet might know her for her cosplays of Storm from the "X-Men" franchise and sporting exploits.
Director Josh Trank went from being massively in demand to almost completely on the outs following "Fantastic Four's" legendary failure, but where is he now?
Gareth Edwards' sci-fi epic "The Creator" boasts some of the most spectacular shots and visual effects in ages, but the story leaves a lot to be desired.
Charlie Hunnam harbors some embarrassment over his American accent because it has made English roles more difficult for the UK native. Here's how he feels.
According to Phineas and Ferb's co-creator, the final battles in The Avengers and Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension share a few notable similarities.
Longtime fans of Christopher Nolan's "Batman" trilogy may wonder if Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character eventually takes on the mantle of the Dark Knight.
The "Fast and Furious" movies are gloriously dumb, and that's why we love them. But over the years, they've made a handful of truly regrettable choices.