When "X-Men: The Animated Series" was airing in the '90s, Chef Boyardee capitalized on its success with this wild pasta commercial featuring Mister Sinister.
He-Man is back, with Nicholas Galitzine cast in a new "Masters of the Universe" film. But the power of Mattel’s muscliest man is scarier than you think.
Lizzo reacts to her portrayal on the "South Park" special "The End of Obesity," which takes aim at the American healthcare system and weight loss medications.
A specific video online is making the rounds on social media, claiming that "The Simpsons" predicted the latest string of Diddy scandals. But is this true?
"Spider-Man: The Animated Series" was the crown jewel of Marvel animation during the '90s. Can AI replicate the show's charm by turning it live-action?
The leads of Marvel’s “Black Panther” animated series “Eyes of Wakanda” have been revealed, but it’s probably not who you think, and definitely not T'Challa.
Omni-Man's mustache is an iconic part of the "Invincible" villain's iconic look, so it's no surprise fan art erasing the facial hair has fans freaked out.