Adam West made a huge impact on "Family Guy," so it's only appropriate the staff hung up a fax he sent them that took on special meaning after his death.
Fans of "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" are excited to see that a once-forgotten concept from George Lucas looks poised to appear in the show's second season.
Seth MacFarlane didn't mind "South Park" mocking "Family Guy." But he did not take kindly to Trey Parker and Matt Stone criticizing his show's writers.
For Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the 25th anniversary of "South Park" marked a pivotal time in their lives and comedic careers. But it hasn't all been easy.
The voice behind Lois on "Family Guy," Alex Borstein, seems to want to have some fun and futuristic adventures with another animated family, "The Jetsons."
Fans of "The Last Airbender" love to debate everything and anything about the show. Even Zuko's ever-changing hairstyles are a major topic of discussion.
Once the minds behind "Avatar: The Last Airbender" decided to change Toph into the female character fans know and love, they faced resistance from Nickelodeon.
On the Comedy Central animated comedy "South Park," voice actor April Stewart voices an insane amount of characters, from Wendy Testaburger to Liane Cartman.
Harry Shearer will always be the man who gave "The Simpsons" some of the series' most well-known voices, but there is one character he absolutely hated voicing.
Harry Shearer is famous for his work in "This Is Spinal Tap" and "The Simpsons." Many people don't know he got his start as a child actor opposite Jack Benny.
While Futurama fans prepare themselves to go bonkers for 2023's Hulu revival, here's what we hope the 31st century has in store for us this time around.