One invention of his that often goes unappreciated is his dark matter engine, a remarkable innovation that runs the Planet Express Ship and could literally change the universe.
X-Men: The Animated Series dazzled '90s viewers with action, drama, and real-world storytelling. So sophisticated is this cartoon, in fact, that a whole lot of it goes over kids' heads. We're here to explore those details aimed straight at X-Men's older audience.
When we think of Simpsons holiday adventures, we usually think of the annual Treehouse of Horror episodes ... but The Simpsons doesn't forget about Christmas.
Fans of Futurama know that the team behind the science fiction cartoon always put considerable effort into the production of each episode. And within each episode there are callbacks, Easter eggs, and layered jokes that can make viewers think twice about a line they just heard.
There's one thing about Sokka that doesn't quite add up, and it has to do with one of his most prominent traits: his cynicism. He's the kind of guy who likes to question everything going on around him, sarcastically or otherwise.
Futurama is almost as famous for its references and Easter eggs as it is for its social satire and humor. The show is funny, for sure, but it's also filled from start to finish with nods and callbacks. Some are simple, and easy to spot. Others are more obscure, and go years without being noticed.
Some fans have been apt to point out that an interesting visual motif cues this symmetry in Aang and Zuko's character arcs: their constantly evolving haircuts.
As we know from 'Bendin' in the Wind,' Bender malfunctions and starts singing folk songs when he's near a magnet. How can Bender wear the Flexo goatee if it's established magnets turn him into a folk singer?
The creators of both Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra spare no expense in weaving a vast, intricate narrative tapestry. All these little details can deepen fans' appreciation, and many may be things that went unnoticed the first time around. One such detail has to do with Toph.
In 2017, the cast and creators of Futurama fielded fan questions during a Reddit AMA. One of the more intriguing behind-the-scenes stories involved the writers' room taking two whole days to come up with a single line of dialogue. No one can say the writers ever phoned it in.
An alcoholic grandfather. A timid kid. And a universe of possibilities. There's a lot that Rick and Morty did correctly right from the start, and one of the most overlooked aspects of the show is its perfect theme song.
It's arguable that no other Avatar character changes as much as Zuko does in the course of the show, or faces a greater degree of tragedy. This one detail makes that story even more tragic than it was to begin with.
On the beloved animated comedy Futurama, there are plenty of clever background details that eagle-eyed enthusiasts could discover. But not everything within the world of Futurama was necessarily thought out perfectly
The creators put a great amount of care into everyone from Azula to Sokka, and the fandom's enduring interest in these characters reflects that. Strangely, though, fans have a tendency to get Toph Beifong all wrong.
The relationship between Sokka and Yue takes a dramatic and unexpected turn in the first season finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender, preceded by an interesting detail that pops up again later in Sokka's life. Yue's story is essential to fully understanding this bit of foreshadowing.
Through Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, and all the canonical graphic novels, there's a lot to learn about Toph, and she has quite the story. Here are a few facts that even the most devoted fan might not know.
When it comes to romantic entanglements on Futurama, much of the attention on the show went to the relationship between Fry and Leela. But Bender, party animal that he is, also had his fair share of romances, from robotic floozies to the Planet Express ship. Here's what set them apart.
As beloved as it is, one of Rick and Morty's downsides is the long gaps between seasons. There's no shortage of other things for fans to watch, but one show stands out among all of these other choices. Gravity Falls has a lot in common with Rick and Morty, so fans have to check it out.
As Avatar: The Last Airbender progresses, the show's character arcs only get more tangible, believable, and engrossing. That sentiment is especially true of Katara, whose story brought us a particularly powerful moment in the second season finale that means even more than you might realize.
Oh, Mom. She's the sweet old lady of the Futurama universe, who is simply trying to make the world a better place ... yeah, right. The character is pretty developed, with many nuances, but there's one aspect of Mom's history that has fans scratching their heads.
A character named Carol Miller, but better known as "Mom," is the head of a multi-billion-dollar company that seems to have a monopoly on all things robot, and she flexes that wealth quite a bit. Just how much dough has she really accumulated, however?
The Star Wars animated series flesh out the galaxy far, far away with engaging characters, exciting arcs, and a look at the universe's stranger corners. Fans of all ages have much to love here -- but there's a lot that goes over the littlest heads. These are the details only adults appreciate.