• Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, and Professor Utonium in "Powerpuff Girls"

    Things Only Adults Notice In The Powerpuff Girls

    We're not sure what was going on at Cartoon Network's Standards and Practices department, but either someone was incredibly permissive or incredibly gullible, because The Powerpuff Girls' writers managed to slip an unbelievable amount of stuff into the show that's highly inappropriate for children.
  • Bob's Burgers

    References You Missed In Bob's Burgers

    Bob's Burgers can be extremely subtle with its shout-outs and a little esoteric with regards to where it pays homage. Here are some times when Bob's Burgers buried allusions so deep that even the most sharp-eyed and culturally attuned viewer likely missed the references.
  • Still from Rick and Morty season 4 trailer

    The Most Disturbing Dimension Ever Visited On Rick And Morty

    For three seasons and counting on the Adult Swim animated series Rick and Morty, viewers have been treated to a seemingly endless parade of the most bizarre settings imaginable. We decided to try to answer the question: what's the single most disturbing dimension we've ever seen on Rick and Morty?
  • Leela, Bender, Fry

    Mistakes That Are Hard To Ignore In Futurama

    Much like The Simpsons, the general consensus is that the earlier seasons of Futurama are the strongest, but they weren't perfect. The writers and animators made plenty of mistakes over the years, from jarring continuity errors to blatant contradictions. Let's take a look.
  • Futurama

    The Entire Futurama Timeline Finally Explained

    Here, now, presented in Hypno-Vision, is the Futurama timeline, served up in one easily digestible serving like so much nutritious Slurm. So hang on as we dive into a loopy story that plays with past, present, and future.
  • Still from Rick and Morty

    The Most Useless Invention Rick Has Created On Rick And Morty

    It can't be easy being the smartest man in the universe. Just ask Rick Sanchez, the dimension-hopping mad scientist at the center of the hit Adult Swim animated series ​Rick and Morty. We decided to do a little digging to find out​: what is the most useless thing Rick has ever created?
  • Disenchantment

    The Untold Truth Of Disenchantment

    How did Disenchantment make its way to Netflix? How many Easter eggs are hidden throughout the show? And how did the cast wind up providing voices for these crazy character? Well, let's go back long ago and far away for this heroic journey into the untold truth of Disenchantment.
  • Fry and Bender from Futurama

    Futurama References You Missed

    Just about every scene of Futurama is dense with layers upon layers of jokes and references, and even hardcore fans can have a hard time catching them all.
  • Still from South Park

    The Most Tragic Way Kenny Has Ever Died On South Park

    Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny are always in the middle of whatever weirdness is going down in South Park. But repeatedly suffering gruesome deaths is still the trait most commonly associated with Kenny, a fact which got us thinking: what is the most tragic way Kenny has ever met his end?
  • Still from Rick and Morty

    The Greatest Invention Rick Has Created On Rick And Morty

    When you're the smartest man in the universe, creating a paradigm-shifting new technology takes about as much thought as brushing your teeth. We took a deep dive into ​Rick and Morty ​history to attempt to answer the burning question: what's the most awesome thing that Rick has ever invented?
  • Still from Futurama

    The Most Heart-Breaking Futurama Moment Ever

    ​​Futurama​ may have sprang from the mind of ​Simpsons​ creator Matt Groening, but when it debuted in 1999, it developed an identity far removed from its famous sibling. Throughout its run, ​Futurama​ brought the waterworks early and often — but what is the most heart-breaking moment in its history?
  • Krusty the Clown

    The Simpsons' Krusty The Clown Series You Never Got To See

    If creator Matt Groening had gotten his way, ​The Simpsons​ would have received a proper spin-off or two. The ​Simpsons ​offshoot that came the closest to fruition: a live-action — that's right, live-action — series centered on Herschel Krustofsky, AKA Krusty the Clown.
  • Still from Rick and Morty

    Why Beth Is The Most Disturbed Character On Rick And Morty

    ​​Rick and Morty​ is a show full of characters for whom the description "dysfunctional" is being a touch too kind. But of them all, one is plainly the most disturbed: Rick's daughter Beth, whose sociopathic tendencies are hidden just below the surface of her ostensibly level-headed personality.
  • harley quinn

    Harley Quinn Animated Series - What We Know So Far

    Since she first debuted on Batman: The Animated Series in 1992, Harley Quinn has carved out a substantial fanbase in the crowded Batman rogues' gallery. Multiple projects are in the works surrounding Harley, and one we're very excited about is the upcoming animated series on DC Universe.
  • Marvel's What If...? series logo

    Marvel's What If...? Animated Series Coming To Disney+

    Imagine all the possibilities! Marvel seeks to answer the age-old question "what if?" in its upcoming animated series entitled, well, What If...? — announced during the studio's Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2019 on Saturday, July 20.