Black Adam's Dwayne Johnson reveals at San Diego Comic-Con 2022 why he is excited for the movie to introduce the Justice Society of America to the DCEU.
In anticipation of the film's long-awaited December release, the first trailer for Warner Bros.' "Shazam! Fury of the Gods" has finally debuted online.
With "House of the Dragon," George R. R. Martin may be on his way to building a Marvel-sized franchise, however, he has some thoughts on the comparison.
2022 Comic-Con revealed character designs for the upcoming "Marvel Zombies," including a first look at both heroes and villains who were turned into the undead.
Judging from what Dwayne Johnson is reportedly making off "Black Adam," there could be another claim for the title of highest-paid actor by the end of 2022.
"Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur" just announced some of its guest voice actors, and one name, in particular, is bound to be of interest to Marvel fans.
Deadpool himself Ryan Reynolds celebrated the R-rated franchise's arrival on Disney+ by poking fun at some of the Mouse House's previous traumatizing movies.
Legendary comic writer Alan Grant, known for his work on Batman, among many other properties, has died. He leaves behind a legacy of imagination and compassion.
There was one thing that Jeff Bridges says drove him "absolutely crazy" on set, to the point where he had to really evaluate his approach to "Iron Man."
The antagonist for "Green Lantern: Beware My Power" was shown to be Sinestro, but there are a few things about the villain that didn't quite add up for fans.
Neil McGinness discussed how his new book, "Pulp Power: The Shadow, Doc Savage, and the Art of the Street & Smith Universe," explores the earliest superheroes.