Tom Hanks is frequently cast as the Everyman, an ordinary joe who finds himself in extraordinary circumstances. There's a notable exception to this career arc.
With more potential eyes on the property now than when the Shaq vehicle flopped at the box office, it's the perfect time to uncover the truth of DC's Steel.
Darth Vader has a surprising connection to "Ms. Marvel," but what on the galaxy far, far away could these two have in common with each other? Let's find out!
A new piece of promotional material for Season 3 of "The Boys" has the show's fans playing along in the fictional history of Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles).
One of the most popular Inhuman characters of all time is about to make her MCU debut, albeit sans any hint of her fellow Inhumans and with a mix of changes.
As Kamala Khan's best friend, Nakia is sure to know all her secrets as Ms. Marvel and keep them dutifully. Let's take a look at the actor who plays her.
In "Ms. Marvel," one actor will be tasked with bringing the character of Kamala Khan's father, Yusuf Khan, to life. Bollywood fans will probably recognize him.